Item - 2008.EX22.1

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on July 15, 2008 with amendments.
  • This item will be considered by Executive Committee on June 26, 2008. It will be considered by City Council on July 15, 2008, subject to the actions of the Executive Committee.

EX22.1 - Environmental Assessment for Creation of a Waterfront Boulevard and Removal of the Gardiner Expressway East from Jarvis

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 15, 16 and 17, 2008, adopted the following motions:


1.         City Council authorize the City to act as co-proponent with Waterfront Toronto to undertake an individual environmental assessment (EA) of Waterfront Toronto’s (WT) proposal that the elevated Gardiner Expressway from approximately Jarvis Street to east of the Don Valley Parkway including the remaining Lake Shore Boulevard East ramp be removed and an at-grade waterfront boulevard be created.


2.         City Council authorize creation of a Steering Committee of WT and City officials, co-chaired by the Deputy City Manager whose responsibilities include Waterfront Revitalization, and the President and Chief Executive Officer of Waterfront Toronto, to oversee and direct all aspects of the EA process.


3.         City Council defer the total rehabilitation of the Gardiner Expressway east from Jarvis Street, except for essential works required to provide safe operating conditions, and direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, to adjust the 2009 Capital Program submission and 2010 to 2013 Capital Works Plan accordingly; this adjusted plan to include sufficient funding to eliminate the need to restrict access to any areas under the Gardiner Expressway due to potential falling debris.


4.         City Council direct the Executive Director, Technical Services, to conduct annual, detailed condition surveys of the Gardiner Expressway east from Jarvis Street to identify the minimum maintenance required to maintain safe operating conditions, and to make appropriate adjustments to the annual maintenance spending, until such time as City Council makes its decision on the future of this section of the Expressway.


5.         City Council request that the Waterfront Project Director, when reporting to City Council in the Fall of 2008 on the updated Long Term Funding Plan for Waterfront Revitalization, ensure that:


a.         the $11 million currently earmarked for a Gardiner EA be advanced from 2013 to 2009; and


b.         recommendations be made as to how funds currently earmarked for the Front Street Extension be reallocated to other approved public realm initiatives within the Waterfront in consultation with other governments and Waterfront Toronto.


6.         City Council request the Waterfront Project Director, in partnership with Waterfront Toronto and, in consultation with the government partners, to report on options for funding implementation of the preferred EA alternative at the same time as the preferred alternative is presented to City Council for consideration.


7.         City Council request that the EA address climate change, place an emphasis on place making, high quality urban design and further analysis of traffic impacts and pedestrian travel times north and south from the east Bayfront and lower West Don Lands precinct to the neighbourhoods north of the train tracks.


8.         City Council request that the EA address previous City Council directions for east of the Don River regarding greening the median of Lake Shore Boulevard East and creating a “Grand Boulevard” and, rezoning the Parks and Open Space Area on the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard East from the Don Valley Parkway to Coxwell to “G”.


9.         The EA comply with policies of the Official Plan, Central Waterfront Secondary Plan and South of Eastern Secondary Plan to support the retention of adjacent employment lands and restrict large format, stand alone retail stores and/or power centres.


10.       The Environmental Assessment for the take down of the Gardiner Expressway have due regard for:


i.          the pedestrian realm access and safety, as well as the unlocking of developable land parcels on both sides of any new roadway;


ii.          plans and funding for a significant public art component; and


iii.        plans to naturalize the mouth of the Don.


11.       City Council require that the EA also examine options with respect to public access to the waterfront that assumes the retention of the existing Gardiner Expressway structure.


12        City Council direct that the Board of Health be included as a stakeholder in this Environmental Assessment, so that the Board can express any concerns and recommendations in terms of environmental impacts during the construction period and on completion of this project.


13.       Waterfront Toronto, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the Director, Waterfront Secretariat, be requested to enter into additional discussions with the adjacent landowners to become funding partners, on a proportional basis, in any removal of the Gardiner Expressway, based on the expected increased value of their respective landholdings, and report to the Executive Committee.


14.       In conjunction with the Environmental Assessment, the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer and the Waterfront Project Director report on:


a.         finance options not including property tax revenues for the creation of a waterfront boulevard and removal of the Gardiner Expressway East from Jarvis Street; and


b.         public/private partnership financing options for the removal of the Gardiner Expressway East from Jarvis Street and Waterfront Boulevard.


15.       The Chief Planner be requested to submit a report to the October meeting of the Planning and Growth Committee, identifying City Building goals for the Lake Shore Boulevard vicinity associated with the takedown of the Gardiner east of Jarvis and outline a framework for comprehensive and managed land use planning for the area to meet these goals which addresses:


             i.         current zoning for the aforementioned areas;


ii.          approximate number of hectares with a precinct plan, and other processes such as EA's and those without;


iii.         jurisdictional and other potential issues including land ownership which may impede City goals;


iv.         any issues which should be included in the review of the Official Plan which is required every 5 years and is anticipated for 2011; and


v.         any other issues that the Chief Planner identifies while developing the report.


16.       The following motion be referred to City staff for a report to the September 8, 2008 meeting of the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, on how the local road in the Liberty Village area can be best achieved:


Moved by Mayor Miller on behalf of City Councillor Vaughan


"That staff bring forward the appropriate Official Plan Amendment to designate the proposed Front Street Extension as a local road and report to the Toronto and East York Community City Council on possible routes, plans, designs and costs.".


17.       City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Ms. Elaine Baxter-Trahair, Director, Waterfront Secretariat, and Mr. John Campbell, President and Chief Executive Officer, Waterfront Toronto, gave a presentation to Council on transforming the Gardiner/Lake Shore Corridor.


During its review of the Order Paper, Council decided to consider Items EX22.1 and EX22.2 together. 

Background Information (Committee)

(June 16, 2008) Report and Attachments 1-2 from Deputy City Manager Richard Butts - Environmental Assessment for Creation of a Waterfront Boulevard and Removal of the Gardiner Expressway East from Jarvis

Background Information (City Council)

Presentation material, entitled "Transforming the Gardiner/Lake Shore Corridor", submitted by Waterfront Toronto (EX22.1a)

Communications (Committee)

(June 9, 2008) E-mail from David Smiley (EX.Main.EX22.1.1)
(June 6, 2008) E-mail from Roger Carter (EX.Main.EX22.1.2)
(June 1, 2008) E-mail from Julie Beddoes (EX.Main.EX22.1.3)
(June 5, 2008) E-mail from Susan Fothergill (EX.Main.EX22.1.4)
(June 4, 2008) E-mail from Braz Menezes (EX.Main.EX22.1.5)
(June 4, 2008) E-mail from Ulla Colgrass (EX.Main.EX22.1.6)
(June 3, 2008) E-mail from Roger D. Wilson, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin (EX.Main.EX22.1.7)
(June 3, 2008) E-mail from Wayne Olson (EX.Main.EX22.1.8)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Bill Freeman (EX.Main.EX22.1.9)
(June 1, 2008) E-mail from Yvonne Parti (EX.Main.EX22.1.10)
(June 1, 2008) E-mail from Dennis Bartels (EX.Main.EX22.1.11)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Laura Cooper (EX.Main.EX22.1.12)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Dennis Findlay (EX.Main.EX22.1.13)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Sharon Howarth (EX.Main.EX22.1.14)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Christine de Groot (EX.Main.EX22.1.15)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Stephen Skidd, Principal, Trillium Corporate Communications Inc. (EX.Main.EX22.1.16)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Rick Hay (EX.Main.EX22.1.17)
(June 24, 2008) E-mail from Julie Beddoes, West Don Lands Committee (EX.Supp.EX22.1.18)
(June 26, 2008) E-mail from Braz Menezes (EX.Main.EX22.1.19)

EX22.1 - Environmental Assessment for Creation of a Waterfront Boulevard and Removal of the Gardiner Expressway East from Jarvis

Consideration Type:


(June 16, 2008) Report from Deputy City Manager Richard Butts


The Deputy City Manager whose responsibilities include Waterfront Revitalization recommends that City Council:


1.         Authorize the City to act as co-proponent with Waterfront Toronto to undertake an individual environmental assessment (EA) of Waterfront Toronto’s (WT) proposal that the elevated Gardiner Expressway from approximately Jarvis Street to east of the Don Valley Parkway including the remaining Lake Shore Boulevard East ramp be removed and an at-grade waterfront boulevard be created.


2.         Authorize creation of a Steering Committee of WT and City officials, co-chaired by the Deputy City Manager whose responsibilities include Waterfront Revitalization, and the President and Chief Executive Officer of Waterfront Toronto, to oversee and direct all aspects of the EA process.


3.         Defer the total rehabilitation of the Gardiner Expressway east from Jarvis Street, except for essential works required to provide safe operating conditions, and direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to adjust the 2009 Capital Program submission and 2010 to 2013 Capital Works Plan accordingly.


4.         Direct the Executive Director, Technical Services to conduct annual, detailed condition surveys of the Gardiner Expressway east from Jarvis Street to identify the minimum maintenance required to maintain safe operating conditions, and to make appropriate adjustments to the annual maintenance spending, until such time as City Council makes its decision on the future of this section of the Expressway.


5.         Request that the Waterfront Project Director, when reporting to Council in the Fall of 2008 on the updated  Long Term Funding Plan for Waterfront Revitalization, ensure that:


a.         the $11 million currently earmarked for a Gardiner EA be advanced from 2013 to 2009; and


b.         recommendations be made as to how funds currently earmarked for the Front Street Extension be reallocated to other approved public realm initiatives within the Waterfront in consultation with other governments and Waterfront Toronto.


6.         Request the Waterfront Project Director, in partnership with Waterfront Toronto and in consultation with the government partners to report on options for funding implementation of the preferred EA alternative at the same time as the preferred alternative is presented to Council for consideration.


7.         Request that the EA address climate change, place an emphasis on place making, high quality urban design, and further analysis of traffic impacts.


8.         Request that the EA address previous Council directions for east of the Don River regarding greening the median of Lake Shore Boulevard East and creating a "Grand Boulevard" and, rezoning the Parks and Open Space Area on the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard East from the Don Valley Parkway to Coxwell to "G".


9.         The EA comply with policies of the Official Plan, Central Waterfront Secondary Plan and South of Eastern Secondary Plan to support the retention of adjacent employment lands and restrict large format, stand alone retail stores and/or power centres.


10.       Authorize and direct appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


On June 12, 2008, the Waterfront Toronto (WT) Board of Directors approved a resolution recommending to the City that an individual environmental assessment (EA) be undertaken to remove the eastern section of the Gardiner Expressway from Jarvis Street including the remaining Lake Shore East ramp and to replace it with an at-grade 2.4 km Waterfront Boulevard through East Bayfront and the Lower Don Lands to east of the Don River. This report seeks Council authority to implement WT’s recommendations.

Removal of the eastern section of the Gardiner supports the revitalization of East Bayfront, the Lower Don Lands and the West Don Lands, and the naturalization of the Don River Mouth. It creates improved streetscapes, cycling and pedestrian connections, parks and public spaces by removing the large overhead road structure that currently prevents realization of the full potential of these future waterfront communities.

The "Waterfront Boulevard" proposal is more affordable, practical and implementable than the earlier "Great Street" option proposed by WT, which saw removal of the Expressway east from Spadina Avenue.

WT’s recommendation is that an individual EA be undertaken, with the City and WT acting as co-proponents in this process. Proceeding with this EA allows it to be coordinated with ongoing planning and EA initiatives associated with naturalization of the Don River and revitalization of the Lower Don Lands. Staff would report on funding for implementation of the preferred EA alternative at the same time as the preferred alternative is presented to Council.

A companion report to Executive Committee, ‘Environmental Assessment for Changes to York and Bay Ramps of Gardiner Expressway’, addresses ramp improvements at these locations to improve pedestrian flow and view corridors between the downtown core and the waterfront.

Financial Impact

The Council-approved Long Term Funding Plan for Waterfront Revitalization earmarks $11 million to undertake an EA for removal of a portion of the elevated Gardiner Expressway. In the current plan, these funds are projected to be expended in 2013.  Staff recommends that the funding be brought forward to 2009 and be included in the 2009 Capital Budget submission for Waterfront Revitalization to enable immediate implementation of the proposed EA process.


The expenditure impact on the Transportation Services capital works plan is estimated to be $4 million per year during the EA phase to maintain the structure in a safe and serviceable condition. The cost reduction as a result of recommended deferral of total rehabilitation of the Gardiner Expressway east from Jarvis Street is expected to be off-set by potential increase in maintenance of alternate traffic routes.  The EA process is anticipated to last approximately three years. Future anticipated cash flows will be amended, as required, and reflected in the pending 2009-2013 capital budget submission during the third quarter of 2008. Annual inspections will be carried out to adjust maintenance and rehabilitation funding needs during the course of the EA.  It is further anticipated that the recommendation for Technical Services to conduct annual surveys to identify the minimum maintenance required to achieve safe operating conditions of the Gardiner Expressway east from Jarvis Street will not have any incremental budget impact.


The cost of removing the eastern section of the elevated Expressway from Jarvis is estimated to be $200.0 million to $300.0 million and will be confirmed as part of the EA process. City staff, in partnership with WT officials and in consultation with the other government partners on Waterfront Revitalization, will explore funding options throughout the EA process and report to Council with recommendations at the same time as the preferred EA alternative is presented for consideration.


WT’s "Waterfront Boulevard:" proposal for the Gardiner Expressway does not include the Front Street Extension which enables funds currently earmarked for Front Street Extension in the Waterfront Capital Budget to be reallocated to other approved waterfront initiatives in the public realm.  Staff will report to Council in the Fall of  2008 on proposed reallocations in the context of the updated Long-Term Funding Plan for Waterfront Revitalization.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information

(June 16, 2008) Report and Attachments 1-2 from Deputy City Manager Richard Butts - Environmental Assessment for Creation of a Waterfront Boulevard and Removal of the Gardiner Expressway East from Jarvis


(June 9, 2008) E-mail from David Smiley (EX.Main.EX22.1.1)
(June 6, 2008) E-mail from Roger Carter (EX.Main.EX22.1.2)
(June 1, 2008) E-mail from Julie Beddoes (EX.Main.EX22.1.3)
(June 5, 2008) E-mail from Susan Fothergill (EX.Main.EX22.1.4)
(June 4, 2008) E-mail from Braz Menezes (EX.Main.EX22.1.5)
(June 4, 2008) E-mail from Ulla Colgrass (EX.Main.EX22.1.6)
(June 3, 2008) E-mail from Roger D. Wilson, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin (EX.Main.EX22.1.7)
(June 3, 2008) E-mail from Wayne Olson (EX.Main.EX22.1.8)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Bill Freeman (EX.Main.EX22.1.9)
(June 1, 2008) E-mail from Yvonne Parti (EX.Main.EX22.1.10)
(June 1, 2008) E-mail from Dennis Bartels (EX.Main.EX22.1.11)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Laura Cooper (EX.Main.EX22.1.12)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Dennis Findlay (EX.Main.EX22.1.13)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Sharon Howarth (EX.Main.EX22.1.14)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Christine de Groot (EX.Main.EX22.1.15)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Stephen Skidd, Principal, Trillium Corporate Communications Inc. (EX.Main.EX22.1.16)
(June 2, 2008) E-mail from Rick Hay (EX.Main.EX22.1.17)
(June 24, 2008) E-mail from Julie Beddoes, West Don Lands Committee (EX.Supp.EX22.1.18)
(June 26, 2008) E-mail from Braz Menezes (EX.Main.EX22.1.19)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at