Item - 2008.PG12.10

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on January 29, 2008 without amendments and without debate.
  • This item will be considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on January 10, 2008. It will be considered by City Council on January 29, 2008, subject to the actions of the Planning and Growth Management Committee.
  • See also By-law 559-2016

PG12.10 - Streetcars on Cherry Street and Sumach Street Servicing the West Don Lands Development

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on January 29 and 30, 2008, adopted the following motions:


1.         City Council authorize the Chief General Manager of the TTC, the General Manager of Transportation Services, and the Chief Planner and Executive Director of City Planning to issue a Notice of Completion and to file the Environmental Study Report for the West Don Lands Transit Environmental Assessment in the public record for a minimum 30-day period, in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.


2.         City Council authorize the installation of traffic control signals at the intersections on Cherry Street at Front Street East and Cherry Street at Mill Street coincident with the reconstruction of and provision of streetcar service on Cherry Street.


  3.          City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director of City Planning to bring forward a report on any amendments necessary to Schedule A of By-law No. 346-2003 of the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan (OPA 257), as amended, to provide for the recommended design and reduction in planned rights-of-way, upon approval of the Environmental Study Report under the Environmental Assessment Act.


4.         City Council direct staff to work with the local Councillor and the West Don Lands Committee during the detailed design process with a goal of achieving a roadway width of less than 12 metres.

Background Information (Committee)

(December 7, 2007) Letter from General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission - Streetcars on Cherry Street and Sumach Street Servicing the West Don Lands Development
Attachment - TTC Report No. 17 - Streetcars on Cherry Street and Sumach Street

Communications (Committee)

(January 10, 2008) Submission from Julie Beddoes, on behalf of the West Don Lands Committee (PG.New.PG12.10.1)

10a - West Don Lands Transit EA

PG12.10 - Streetcars on Cherry Street and Sumach Street Servicing the West Don Lands Development

Consideration Type:


(December 7, 2007) Letter from General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission


That Toronto City Council:


1.         Authorize the Chief General Manager of the TTC, the General Manager of Transportation Services, and the Chief Planner and Executive Director of City Planning to issue a Notice of Completion and to file the Environmental Study Report for the West Don Lands Transit Environmental Assessment in the public record for a minimum 30-day period in accordance with the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.


2.         Authorize the installation of traffic control signals at the intersections on Cherry Street at Front Street East and Cherry Street at Mill Street coincident with the reconstruction of and provision of streetcar service on Cherry Street.


3.         Authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director of City Planning to bring forward a report on any amendments necessary to Schedule A of By-law No. 346-2003 of the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan (OPA 257), as amended, to provide for the recommended design, and reduction in planned rights-of-way, upon approval of the Environmental Study Report under the Environmental Assessment Act.


Forwarding the action taken by the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) on December 6, 2007 regarding a report on Streetcars on Cherry Street and Sumach Street Servicing the West Don Lands Development.

Background Information

(December 7, 2007) Letter from General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission - Streetcars on Cherry Street and Sumach Street Servicing the West Don Lands Development
Attachment - TTC Report No. 17 - Streetcars on Cherry Street and Sumach Street


(January 10, 2008) Submission from Julie Beddoes, on behalf of the West Don Lands Committee (PG.New.PG12.10.1)

10a - West Don Lands Transit EA

(January 9, 2008) Memo from Councillor Pam McConnell, Toronto Centre-Rosedale, Ward 28
Briefing and recommendation from Councillor Pam McConnell
Source: Toronto City Clerk at