Item - 2009.EX29.10

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on February 23, 2009 without amendments.
  • This item will be considered by Executive Committee on February 2, 2009. It will be considered by City Council on February 23, 2009, subject to the actions of the Executive Committee.

EX29.10 - Toronto 2015 Pan American/ParaPan American Games Bid

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on February 23, 24 and 25, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve funding a share of the Capital cost of upgrading certain City-owned facilities and roads, as identified in Table 1 contained in the report (January 22, 2009) from the City Manager, to bring them up to standard for use as competition and training venues for the 2015 Pan Am Games, up to a maximum City investment of $12 million.


2.         City Council support the development, at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus, of a competitive aquatic centre and a multi-sport field house, in partnership with the University of Toronto, the Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada, the Canadian Centre for Sport Ontario and the Canadian Olympic Committee, according to the following principles:


a.         the City and the University of Toronto will share equally in funding 44 percent of the Capital costs required to build the facilities up to a maximum cap on the City’s contribution of $37.5 million;


b.         the Federal and Provincial Governments will fund the remainder of the Capital costs (56 percent) and the Provincial Government will provide a guarantee to fund any Capital cost overruns;


c.         the Organizing Committee for the 2015 Pan Am Games will be responsible for project management, construction and delivery of the facilities;


d.         land for development of the facilities will be provided by the City and the University in an “as is” condition for nominal consideration;


e.         ownership of the facilities, including beneficial rights associated with ownership, will vest with the City or the City and the University jointly;


f.          the Canadian Sports Institute Ontario will be a tenant in the facility and will support the operating cost of the facility through rental payments that reflect its proportionate share of facility activities;


g.         general use agreements will be developed as required to provide access to the general community and to the student community; and


h.         sufficient funding will be provided from the legacy endowment included in the 2015 Pan Am Games operating budget to offset potential operating deficits during post-Games use of the facilities.


3.         City Council request the Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to report on the details of the 49.5 million ($2008) in expenditures, including timing and funding source, as part of the 2010 Capital Budget process.


4.         City Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate, approve and execute, on behalf of the City of Toronto, to the satisfaction of the City Manager and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor:


a.         a Multi-Party Agreement with the Federal Government, Provincial Government, Canadian Olympic Committee (COC), Bid Corporation, other Ontario municipalities, universities and other funding partners, that describes how the parties intend to deliver the Pan American/ParaPan American Games if the Bid is successful, specifies and formalizes the distribution of venues and associated Capital works, and sets out and legally binds all of the financial contributors and partners in regard to their Capital contributions and benefits; and that such agreement allow for adjustments to the contribution amounts to recognize Capital cost inflation;


b.         a Host City Agreement with the Canadian Olympic Committee (COC) and the Pan American Sports Association (PASO) that provides the formal commitment to accept the award of the Games, and to host and deliver them in line with PASO statutes and regulations; and


c.         such supplementary agreements consistent with the obligations of the parties under the Multi-party Agreement and Host City Agreement and with the principles contained in Part 2.


5.         City Council require that, as a pre-condition to the entering into of the Host City Agreement, the Provincial and Federal Governments will have entered into legally binding commitments for their respective funding contributions and guarantees and that the City Solicitor be instructed to ensure that those commitments are legally binding on them and enforceable by the City without qualification, including their status as Crown.

Background Information (Committee)

(January 22, 2009) Report from the City Manager - Toronto 2015 Pan American/ParaPan American Games Bid

Background Information (City Council)

(February 5, 2009) supplementary report from the City Manager (EX29.10a)

Communications (Committee)

(February 2, 2009) Letter from David Naylor, President, University of Toronto (EX.New.EX29.10.1)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item) Feb-23-2009 12:01 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - EX29.10 - Adopt the Item
Total members that voted Yes: 37 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Brian Ashton, Shelley Carroll, Raymond Cho, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Mike Del Grande, Frank Di Giorgio, Mike Feldman, Rob Ford, Mark Grimes, Suzan Hall, A.A. Heaps, Doug Holyday, Norman Kelly, Chin Lee, Gloria Lindsay Luby (Chair), Giorgio Mammoliti, Pam McConnell, Joe Mihevc, Peter Milczyn, David Miller, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Ron Moeser, Howard Moscoe, Frances Nunziata, Case Ootes, Cesar Palacio, Joe Pantalone, John Parker, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Kyle Rae, Bill Saundercook, Karen Stintz, Michael Thompson, Adam Vaughan
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are Michael Walker
Total members that were Absent: 7 Members that were absent are Maria Augimeri, Sandra Bussin, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Adam Giambrone, Cliff Jenkins, David Shiner

EX29.10 - Toronto 2015 Pan American/ParaPan American Games Bid

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM


(January 22, 2009) Report from the City Manager


The City Manager recommends that City Council:


1.         Approve funding a share of the capital cost of upgrading certain City-owned facilities and roads, as identified in the body of this report, to bring them up to standard for use as competition and training venues for the 2015 Pan Am Games, up to a maximum City investment of $12 million.


2.         Support the development, at the University of Toronto Scarborough Campus, of a competitive aquatic centre and a multi-sport field house, in partnership with the University of Toronto, the Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada, the Canadian Centre for Sport Ontario and the Canadian Olympic Committee, according to the following principles:


            a.         The City and the University of Toronto will share equally in funding 44 percent of the capital costs required to build the facilities up to a maximum cap on the City’s contribution of $37.5 million;


b.         The federal and Provincial Governments will fund the remainder of the capital costs (56 percent) and the Provincial Government will provide a guarantee to fund any capital cost overruns;


      c.         The Organizing Committee for the 2015 Pan Am Games will be responsible for project management, construction and delivery of the facilities;


d.         Land for development of the facilities will be provided by the City and the University in an “as is” condition for nominal consideration;


e.           Ownership of the facilities, including beneficial rights associated with ownership, will vest with the City or the City and the University jointly;


 f.           The Canadian Sports Institute Ontario will be a tenant in the facility and will support the operating cost of the facility through rental payments that reflect its proportionate share of facility activities;


            g.         General use agreements will be developed as required to provide access to the general community and to the student community;


            h.         Sufficient funding will be provided from the legacy endowment included in the 2015 Pan Am Games operating budget to offset potential operating deficits during post-Games use of the facilities.


3.         Request the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to report on the details of the 49.5 million ($2008) in expenditures, including timing and funding source, as part of the 2010 Capital Budget process.


4.         Authorize the City Manager to negotiate, approve and execute, on behalf of the City of Toronto, to the satisfaction of the City Manager and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor:


            a.         A Multi-Party Agreement with the Federal Government, Provincial Government, Canadian Olympic Committee (COC), Bid Corporation, other Ontario municipalities, universities and other funding partners, that  describes how the parties intend to deliver the Pan American/ParaPan American Games if the Bid is successful, specifies and formalizes the distribution of venues and associated capital works, and sets out and legally binds all of the financial contributors and partners in regard to their capital contributions and benefits; and that such agreement allow for adjustments to the contribution amounts to recognize capital cost inflation; and


b.         A Host City Agreement with the Organizing Committee, the COC and the Provincial Government, that reflects the commitments in the Multi-Party Agreement, provides the formal commitment to accept the award of the Games, and to host and deliver them in line with Pan American Sports Organization (PASO) statutes and regulations.




In December 2008 Council endorsed Toronto’s participation in the Bid to host the 2015 Pan Am Games in the City and surrounding Greater Golden Horseshoe region and agreed that Toronto would be named as the Bid City.  Since then, the Province’s Pan Am Games Bid Corporation (BIDCO) has been continuing discussions with municipal officials and other public and private sector entities concerning venues for the range of events associated with the Pan Am Games.  This report updates Council on the venues in Toronto that are under consideration.  The report identifies the venues that are owned by the City of Toronto and describes the financial implications for the City of any upgrades to facilities that will be needed to bring them up to standards required for the Pan Am Games.  The report seeks Council’s support for these investments.


The report also recommends Council’s support for the development of a new competitive aquatics centre and sports complex at the University of Toronto’s Scarborough Campus.  This development will provide a post Pan Am Games infrastructure legacy to Torontonians, the University’s students and Ontario’s competitive athletics community; is consistent with the City’s long-term pools strategy and objectives for investments that will benefit youth in priority neighbourhoods; will contribute to city building by helping  to connect the Scarborough campus to the rest of the City; and will reinforce the campus as a destination point for Transit City’s Scarborough Malvern LRT line.  The report proposes a set of principles to frame the City’s contribution to the capital cost of the aquatics and sports complex and the post Games ownership and operation of the facility.


This report seeks authority from Council to enter into a Multi-Party Agreement that identifies the 2015 Pan Am Games venue strategy and all commitments, obligations and benefits for contributors to the Toronto regional Pan Am Games (whether through funding or in-kind support).  It also seeks authority to enter into a Host City Agreement that provides the formal commitment to accept the award of the Games, and host and deliver them in line with PASO statutes and regulations.

Financial Impact

The Federal and Provincial governments have each agreed to fund 35% of the overall net budget for the Games and they have proposed that the municipal and other partners fund the remaining 30%. However, rather than applying the funding from other partners towards 30% of both operating and capital costs, the Federal and Provincial governments have proposed that the other partners direct their contributions entirely towards the cost of capital facilities. Therefore, none of the other partners, including the City of Toronto, will be required to make any financial contribution to the operating costs of the Pan Am Games.  Provincial officials have confirmed that these costs will all be borne by the Federal and Provincial governments and other revenues from the operations of the Games.  This approach will allow the other partners to apply their contributions towards improvements and additions to their own facilities and it will allow these partners to potentially debt-finance these contributions. 

Table 1 – Summary of City Capital Contributions



Capital Cost

($2008 millions)

City Share (%)

Maximum Gross City Contribution

($2008 millions)

New Aquatics/Athletics Facility at Scarborough College

·        swimming facility

·        multi-sport field house

·        gymnastics facility

·        high-performance training centre




Etobicoke Olympium

·        retrofit of swimming facilities




Birchmount Park

·        development of new throwing and jumping area




Centennial Park

·        resurfacing of existing track

·        development of new throwing and jumping area




Cycling Road Route

·        resurfacing of municipal roads on proposed route




Nathan Phillips Square

·        preparation for use as festival site









The net capital budget impact will be smaller than the total contribution amount as the revitalization of the Nathan Phillips Square and the resurfacing of 1.8km of the proposed cycling route are already included in the 2009-2018 Capital Plan and Forecast. The net capital budget impact will therefore be 45.9 million ($2008) as shown in Table 2.



Table 2 - Net Capital Budget Impact ($2008 millions)



Gross City Contribution to Pan-Am Capital Budget:




Less Items Already Funded through 2009-2018 Capital Plan:


Revitalization of Nathan Phillips Square


Resurfacing of 1.8km of proposed cycling route




Net Capital Budget Impact:



This report recommends that the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer report on the details of the 49.5 million ($2008) in expenditures, including timing and funding source, as part of the 2010 Capital Budget process.


In order to protect the other funding partners from new post games operating cost burdens associated with the new facilities, the Province has committed to provide a legacy fund within the Games budget that will offset any operating shortfalls likely to arise.  It is, therefore, not anticipated that the proposed works will have material operating budget impacts on the City.


The Acting Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.



The Province has determined that the other partners must make a 44% contribution towards the capital costs in order for their contribution to be equivalent to 30% of the overall net budget for the Games. The contribution from other partners will be capped, however, at 44% of the forecast capital costs as the Province has agreed to fund any cost over-runs.


Within Toronto, the capital plan for the Games (see Table 1 below) proposes one new facility and several upgrades to existing facilities. The largest proposed expenditure is 170.5 million ($2008) for a new aquatics/athletics facility on the Scarborough College campus of the University of Toronto. To date, discussions with the University of Toronto have been premised on the City and the University each contributing 22% of the capital cost for this facility. The Federal and Provincial governments would fund the remaining 56% of the capital cost.


The City would have to fund 44% of the cost of the other proposed works which involve upgrades to existing City facilities and infrastructure. Altogether, the City’s total contribution towards Pan-Am related capital expenditures, both for the new facility at Scarborough College and for the upgrade projects, will be 49.5 million ($2008).


It should be noted that this total contribution amount is based on the estimated cost to construct the proposed works in 2008. An adjustment will have to be made to the nominal contribution amount to reflect overall construction cost inflation that occurs between 2008 and the actual construction period for each proposed project.



Background Information

(January 22, 2009) Report from the City Manager - Toronto 2015 Pan American/ParaPan American Games Bid


(February 2, 2009) Letter from David Naylor, President, University of Toronto (EX.New.EX29.10.1)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at