Item - 2012.PW19.4

Tracking Status

PW19.4 - Rogers Road Bicycle Lanes - Operational Review

Decision Type:
12 - York South-Weston, 15 - Eglinton-Lawrence, 17 - Davenport

Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee received the item for information.


(October 9, 2012) Report from the Acting General Manager, Transportation Services


This report presents the findings of an operational review of the Rogers Road bicycle lanes installed between Old Weston Road and Oakwood Avenue in 2008.


The installation of the bicycle lanes did not result in a reduction in the number of traffic lanes on Rogers Road. However, following the installation of these bicycle lanes there has been a slight decrease in motor vehicle volumes. The bicycle volumes are lower than other east-west bicycle lanes located south of Rogers Road (i.e., Annette and Dupont Streets) which is likely due to the lack of connections to other cycling infrastructure in this area of the city.


The current parking supply on Rogers Road significantly exceeds the parking demand during the day and overnight. Further, reported motor vehicle collisions have decreased by 13.4 percent, from 110 to 95.3 per year since the bicycle lanes were installed. In conclusion, Rogers Road continues to operate effectively and, with the future expansion of the Bikeway Network near Rogers Road, will likely see an increase in bicycle traffic on Rogers Road. 

Background Information

(October 9, 2012) Report and Appendices 1 and 2 from the Acting General Manager, Transportation Services, on Rogers Road Bicycle Lanes - Operational Review


(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Peter Clutterbuck (PW.New.PW19.4.1)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Gilleen Witkowski (PW.New.PW19.4.2)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Jenn Hobbs (PW.New.PW19.4.3)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Rob Hern (PW.New.PW19.4.4)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Jennifer Chin (PW.New.PW19.4.5)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Tovi Heilbronn (PW.New.PW19.4.6)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Elizabeth Radshaw (PW.New.PW19.4.7)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Lisa Prinn (PW.New.PW19.4.8)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Craig Barnes (PW.New.PW19.4.9)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Belinda Cole (PW.New.PW19.4.10)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from Emily Chan (PW.New.PW19.4.11)
(November 12, 2012) E-mail from John Keating (PW.New.PW19.4.12)
(November 13, 2012) E-mail from John Krieger (PW.New.PW19.4.13)
(November 13, 2012) E-mail from Tiar Hollub (PW.New.PW19.4.14)
(November 13, 2012) E-mail from Andrew Messner (PW.New.PW19.4.15)
(November 13, 2012) E-mail from Alejandra Bravo (PW.New.PW19.4.16)
(November 13, 2012) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (PW.New.PW19.4.17)


Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Mark Grimes (Carried)
That the item be received for information.
Source: Toronto City Clerk at