Item - 2013.GM21.15

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Government Management Committee on April 8, 2013. The Government Management Committee has referred this item to an official or other body without making a decision. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.

GM21.15 - Live Streaming Standing Committee and Community Council Meetings

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Government Management Committee:


1.         Referred the item to the City Clerk with the request that she expedite the development of a web streaming and archiving program for Council and committee meetings, bringing forward whatever budget proposals that may be necessary for Council approval through the appropriate channels so that this platform is implemented prior to 2014.


(February 27, 2013) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie, Ward 43 - Scarborough East


City of Toronto Council Meetings, are streamed live on the City website, providing residents an opportunity to become engaged in municipal affairs.  The City's Standing Committees and Community Council act as an arm to City Council, it would be beneficial for residents to also be able to view these meeting as the agenda items are important matters that shape our City.

The ability to view the Standing Committees and Community Council provides for further interaction with residents who are unable to attend meetings in person.  As these meetings occur on week days during working hours it is difficult for a majority of residents to attend to ensure their interests are being represented.  Enabling the Committees to be live streamed would encourage public participation in local government it also provides an opportunity to listen to public deputations, specifically during budget proceedings.

City staff have advised that in order to achieve this practice the City would have to make an investment in servers, bandwith and transcoding equipment. Upgrades are currently being upgraded though the Chief information office to sustain this use.


It is important that the City of Toronto maintain its place on the digital stage in communicating with resident Streamlining Standing Committee meetings would provide this important communication tool.

Background Information

(February 27, 2013) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie on Live Streaming Standing Committee and Community Council Meetings


Miroslav Glavic


Motion to Refer Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Carried)

That the Government Management Committee refer the item to the City Clerk with the request that she expedite the development of a web streaming and archiving program for Council and committee meetings, bringing forward whatever budget proposals that may be necessary for Council approval through the appropriate channels so that this platform is implemented prior to 2014.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at