Item - 2013.PG29.4

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on December 4, 2013. The Planning and Growth Management Committee postponed consideration of this item. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.

PG29.4 - Electronic and Illuminated Sign Study and Recommendations for Amendments to Chapter 694 of the Municipal Code

Decision Type:

Public Notice Given

Committee Decision

The Planning and Growth Management Committee deferred consideration of the item until April 10, 2014 to allow for further community consultation and requested the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to further report at that time on the extent to which existing sign by-laws have been successfully enforced and what resources would be required to ensure such enforcement.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, made a presentation to the Planning and Growth Management Committee.


(November 19, 2013) Report from the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building


This purpose of this report is to provide the Planning and Growth Management Committee and City Council with the results of, and recommendations resulting from, the recent inter-divisional review of electronic signs, as well as signs using projected images and illuminated signs within residential districts. The impetus for this study was a series of requests from City Council and the Planning and Growth Management Committee in considering requests for amendments to the Sign Bylaw ("Chapter 694") with respect to the regulation of illuminated and electronic signs.


Toronto Building and Transportation Services, in collaboration with staff from City Planning and external consultants, recently concluded research into the impact of electronic and illuminated signs including:

-    A Planning and Design Review;

-    A Traffic Safety Study;

-    A Public Opinion Poll; and,

-    A Series of Public and Stakeholder Consultations.


The amendments proposed in this report would permit signs displaying electronic static sign copy in Employment, Commercial and Utility Sign Districts, as well as smaller, street-level electronic signs in Commercial-Residential Sign Districts. Sign Districts generally relate to zoning designations. These signs would be subject to stricter controls than would apply to traditional (non-electronic) signage with respect to location, separation distance(s) and, in the case of Commercial Residential Sign Districts, size.

This report also recommends that signs for institutional uses located in or adjacent to Residential Sign Districts have reduced hours of illumination (7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.) and a limited ability to display readograph sign copy (no electronic).  This report recommends a reduction of 40% in the maximum level of night time illumination for all signs, regardless of their display technology.


Staff have identified the need to bring consistency to the process for applications where a third party electronic sign is not permitted in a Sign District. Currently, the applicant may tailor an application so that it will be considered by either the Sign Variance Committee or the Planning and Growth Management Committee.  This report proposes to create new sign types for electronic signs.   This would have the result that third party electronic signs not permitted in a Sign District could only be considered as an amendment to the Bylaw through the Planning and Growth Management Committee.


Currently, applications for amendments are considered individually by the Planning and Growth Management Committee throughout the year.  As a result, it is difficult for staff and Councillors to consider the broader implications of amendment proposals.  This report proposes that all amendment applications be considered together by the Planning and Growth Management Committee on an annual basis.  This would allow Council to consider the impact of these applications in a comprehensive manner.


Background Information

(November 19, 2013) Report from the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building on Electronic and Illuminated Sign Study and Recommendations for Amendments to Chapter 694 of the Municipal Code
Attachment 1 - Draft By-law of Proposed Amendments to Chapter 694
Attachment 2 - Descriptions of the Signs Reviewed as Part of this Study
Attachment 3 - Planning and Design Review, Martin Rendl and Associates
Attachment 4 - Public Opinion Poll, June 2013, Ipsos Reid
Attachment 5 - Literature Review, Electronic Signs and Traffic Safety, CIMA+
Attachment 6 - Collision Analysis, Electronic signs on Expressways and Aterrial Roads, CIMA+
Attachment 7 - Collision Analysis, Electronic Signs at Intersections, CIMA+
Attachment 8 - Summary of Comments received from Public Consultation Process
Notice is given that the City Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Buildings, is reporting on a proposal which seeks to amend Chapter 694, Signs, General of the City of Toronto Municipal Code
(December 4, 2013) Presentation on Illuminated and Electronic Signs


(November 29, 2013) E-mail from Alex Murray, Vice President, The South Rosedale Residents' Association (PG.New.PG29.4.1)
(November 30, 2013) E-mail from Andrew Horberry (PG.New.PG29.4.2)
(December 1, 2013) E-mail from Connie Langille (PG.New.PG29.4.3)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from David Harrison, Chair, Annex Residents' Association (PG.New.PG29.4.4)
(November 1, 2013) Letter from Patrick Smyth on behalf of Avenue Road Eglinton Community Association (PG.New.PG29.4.5)
(December 2, 2013) Letter from Peggy Moulder, Etobicoke-Lakeshore Community Planning Group (PG.New.PG29.4.6)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Roger Voyer (PG.New.PG29.4.7)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Alex Murray, Vice President, The South Rosedale Residents' Association (PG.New.PG29.4.8)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Nora Pratt (PG.New.PG29.4.9)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Allan Shiff (PG.New.PG29.4.10)
(December 2, 2013) Letter from David Fleming, Executive Secretary, Swansea Area Ratepayers' Association (PG.New.PG29.4.11)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Nicole Spence (PG.New.PG29.4.12)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Gwen Chamberlain (PG.New.PG29.4.13)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Patricia and Gerry Wood (PG.New.PG29.4.14)
(December 2, 2013) Letter from Rick Whitten-Stovall, President, Bay Cloverhill Community Association (PG.New.PG29.4.15)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Lianne Miller (PG.New.PG29.4.16)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Karen Gorsline (PG.New.PG29.4.17)
(December 2, 2013) E-mail from Mary Korda (PG.New.PG29.4.18)
(December 3, 2013) E-mail from Tracy C. Warne, Ricketts, Harris LLP (PG.New.PG29.4.19)
(December 2, 2013) Letter from Eileen Denny, Vice Chair, Confederation of Resident & Ratepayer Associations in Toronto (CORRA) (PG.New.PG29.4.20)
(December 3, 2013) Letter from Geoff Kettel, Co-Chair, Federation of North Toronto Residents Associations (FoNTRA) (PG.New.PG29.4.21)
(December 3, 2013) E-mail from Lynn Pearson (PG.New.PG29.4.22)
(December 3, 2013) E-mail from John Fischer, Walk Toronto (PG.New.PG29.4.23)
(December 3, 2013) Letter from Hilde Reis-Smart, Secretary, Teddington Park Residents Association Inc. (PG.New.PG29.4.24)
(December 3, 2013) Letter from Leo Hrivnak, Director of Legislation & Government Affairs, Sign Association of Canada (PG.New.PG29.4.25)
(December 4, 2013) E-mail from Jessica Wilson, President, Ossington Community Association (PG.New.PG29.4.26)


Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor John Filion (Carried)

That consideration of the item be deferred until April 10, 2014 to allow for further community consultation and that the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building further report at that time on the extent to which existing sign by-laws have been successfully enforced and what resources would be required to ensure such enforcement.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at