Item - 2015.DI5.2

Tracking Status

DI5.2 - Toronto Complete Streets

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Disability, Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee recommends to the Executive Committee that:


1.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider the concerns related to pedestrian safety and accessibility raised in the public presentations and by the Disability, Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee at its October 27, 2015 meeting, when further developing Toronto's Complete Streets Guidelines and policy.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The following gave a presentation to the Disability, Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee on Toronto Complete Streets:


-  Manager, Public Realm, Transportation Services;


-  Complete Streets Project Manager, Transportation Services; and


-  Brent Raymond, Partner at DTAH.


Adam Popper, Complete Streets Project Manager, Transportation Services and Brent Raymond, Partner at DTAH will make a presentation to the Disability, Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee on Toronto Complete Streets.

Background Information

(October 27, 2015) Presentation by Transportation Services on Toronto Complete Streets
(October 27, 2015) Descriptive Text - Presentation by Transportation Services on Toronto Complete Streets


(October 26, 2015) Submission from Gord Brown (DI.New.DI5.2.1)


Gord Brown
Emily Jane Daigle


Motion to Amend Item moved by Yin Brown (Carried)

That the Executive Committee recommend that:


  1. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider the concerns related to pedestrian safety and accessibility raised in the public presentations and by the Disability, Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee at its October 27, 2015 meeting, when further developing Toronto's Complete Streets Guidelines and policy.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at