Item - 2015.TE10.116

Tracking Status

TE10.116 - Request for Heritage Evaluation of Properties on Ossington Avenue

Decision Type:
19 - Trinity-Spadina

Community Council Decision

The Toronto and East York Community Council requested:


1.  The Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, to evaluate the 36 properties on Ossington Avenue identified in the Ossington Avenue Planning Study (July 2012) Attachment 2 Map of Heritage Inventory & Potential Heritage Properties for potential inclusion on the City's Heritage Register and report to the Toronto Preservation Board, Toronto and East York Community Council and City Council.


2.  The Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, to further review and evaluate the properties on Ossington Avenue between Queen Street and Dundas Street West for potential inclusion on the City's Heritage Register and report to the Toronto Preservation Board, Toronto East York Community Council and City Council.


(August 17, 2015) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 19, Trinity-Spadina


Toronto is made better by the cultural and built heritage that enhances our neighbourhoods. It is a reflection of our past, while serving the needs of our present-day and looking towards the future face of our City.


Nowhere is it more important to protect what remaining heritage exists than on Ossington Avenue, a street that has and continues to go through significant changes to its streetscape. Ossington Avenue celebrates the economic, cultural and institutional history of Toronto, while providing one of the most sot after destinations for artistic activities and creative industries in our City.


Development pressure threatens the built heritage on Ossington Avenue and something must be done. The community has nominated Ossington Avenue from Dundas Street West to Queen Street West for Heritage Conservation Designation process. Heritage Preservation Services staff have identified key properties that deserve consideration for inclusion on the City's Heritage Registry.

Background Information

(August 17, 2015) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton - Request for Heritage Evaluation of Properties on Ossington Avenue


1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mike Layton (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at