Item - 2019.AU4.8

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Audit Committee on October 25, 2019 and was adopted without amendment.

AU4.8 - Auditor General's Office 2020 Operating Budget

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Audit Committee:


1.  Approved the 2020 Operating Budget for the Auditor General's Office attached to the report (October 8, 2019) from the Auditor General, and directed that it be forwarded to City Council through the Budget Committee.


(October 8, 2019) Report from the Auditor General


In accordance with Chapter 3 of the Toronto Municipal Code, the Auditor General is submitting her 2020 Operating Budget request to the Audit Committee for consideration and recommendation to City Council.


The attached report provides information relating to the Auditor General's 2020 Operating Budget request of $6.701 million. This is essentially the same budget as last year and is equal to 1/20th of one per cent, or 0.05 per cent, of the City’s 2019 Approved Adjusted Budget.


The budget request supports the Auditor General providing the same level of capacity to undertake value for money audits and investigations as in 2019. It is recommended that the time-limited budget increases approved by City Council in 2017 to 2019 be retained permanently to preserve the level of service provided over the last three years.


The Auditor General's 2020 Work Plan is being presented to the Audit Committee at the same meeting as this 2020 Budget Request.

Background Information

(October 8, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - Auditor General's Office 2020 Operating Budget
Attachment 1: Auditor General's Office 2020 Operating Budget
(October 25, 2019) Presentation Material submitted by the Auditor General


1 - Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at