Item - 2019.IE8.11

Tracking Status

IE8.11 - yongeTOmorrow: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Yonge Street from Queen Street to College/Carlton Street - Interim Update

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 13 - Toronto Centre

Committee Decision

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee:


1.  Received the report (October 2, 2019) from the General Manager of Transportation Services, titled "yongeTOmorrow: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Yonge Street from Queen Street to College/Carlton Street - Interim Update" for information 


(October 2, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services


Yonge Street is Toronto's most iconic street and it plays a symbolic role in the cultural identity of Toronto. The section between Queen Street and Carlton/College Street has a distinct character within the broader downtown context – it has a high concentration of street-related retail, entertainment uses, and pedestrians. This area attracts a large number of events, visitors and tourists.


Currently Yonge Street is struggling to serve the growing pedestrian demand. There is overcrowding and insufficient clearway on some sections of sidewalk. The number of pedestrians on the street is expected to grow due to a projected doubling in population and employment in the surrounding area by 2041 along with a continued mode shift towards walking. Without improvement, the sidewalks will become critically deficient, risk pedestrian safety and deter significant economic and cultural investment.


Yonge Street also lacks space for seating, plantings, and sidewalk cafes which support enjoyment of the street as a destination. With a limited right-of-way of 20 metres there are many demands being placed on the street by pedestrians, cyclist and drivers. Prioritization and management of the interactions between all modes will be critical. Consideration must also be given to the operation of surface transit, and curbside activities like deliveries and ride hailing which support the business community.


YongeTOmorrow is a Municipal Class 'C' Environmental Assessment (EA) focused on the development and evaluation of design alternatives for Yonge Street from Queen Street to College / Carlton Street. A number of opportunities are being considered to increase pedestrian space and improve the way people move through and experience downtown Yonge Street. This report provides an interim update on the yongeTOmorrow EA process and key findings to date.


The Downtown Plan (TOcore) and three of the five accompanying infrastructure strategies – community services and facilities, parks and public realm, and mobility – were adopted by City Council on May 22-24, 2018. The Parks and Public Realm Plan has identified Yonge Street as one of Toronto’s Great Streets, a Cultural Corridor and a Priority Retail Street. The goals set for Yonge Street in TOcore, along with consultation feedback will guide the evaluation of alternatives for yongeTOmorrow and the prioritization of space within a physically limited public right-of-way.

Background Information

(October 2, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on yongeTOmorrow: Municipal Class Environmental Assessment on Yonge Street from Queen Street to College/Carlton Street - Interim Update
(May 9, 2019) Attachment 1: YongeTOmorrow Public Drop in Event #1 Display Panels


(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Brian Iler (IE.New.IE8.11.1)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from Marjorie Nichol (IE.New.IE8.11.2)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from Dawn Crandell (IE.New.IE8.11.3)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from André Martin (IE.New.IE8.11.4)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from David Johnston (IE.New.IE8.11.5)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from Ellen Hsiang (IE.New.IE8.11.6)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from Sheila Doherty (IE.New.IE8.11.7)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from Steve Leckie (IE.New.IE8.11.8)
(October 10, 2019) E-mail from Jana Orac (IE.New.IE8.11.9)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Clair Parker (IE.New.IE8.11.10)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Daniel Groot (IE.New.IE8.11.11)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Grant Thibault (IE.New.IE8.11.12)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Otiena Ellwand (IE.New.IE8.11.13)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Deborah Baumgarten (IE.New.IR8.11.14)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Ira Rabinovitch & Melanie Robitaille (IE.New.IE8.11.15)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Sima Atri (IE.New.IE8.11.16)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Alfio Magnanelli (IE.New.IE8.11.17)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from Fleur Careil (IE.New.IE8.11.18)
(October 12, 2019) E-mail from Juanita De Barros (IE.New.IE8.11.19)
(October 12, 2019) E-mail from Bart Hawkins Kreps (IE.New.IE8.11.20)
(October 12, 2019) E-mail from Murray and Linda Lumley (IE.New.IE8.11.21)
(October 12, 2019) Letter from Robert Zaichkowski (IE.New.IE8.11.22)
(October 13, 2019) E-mail from Gillian Kranias (IE.New.IE8.11.23)
(October 14, 2019) E-mail from James Larsen (IE.New.IE8.11.24)
(October 14, 2019) E-mail from Gray Taylor (IE.New.IE8.11.25)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from NC Biswas (IE.New.IE8.11.26)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from Cameron McLeod (IE.New.IE8.11.27)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from Ken and Stephanie Brown (IE.New.IE8.11.28)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from Steve Fisher (IE.New.IE8.11.29)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from Michael Szego (IE.New.IE8.11.30)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from Darlene Hebert (IE.New.IE8.11.31)
(October 15, 2019) Letter from Robert Packham and Paul Farrelly, Church Wellesley Neighbourohood Association (IE.New.IE8.11.32)
(October 15, 2019) E-mail from Gord Henning (IE.New.IE8.11.33)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from James Young (IE.New.IE8.11.34)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Gerry Brown (IE.New.IE8.11.35)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Kris Luey (IE.New.IE8.11.36)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Christopher Wein, Chief Operating Officer, Lanterra Construction Management Ltd. (IE.New.IE8.11.37)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Anne Fleming (IE.New.IE8.11.38)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Jason Behzadian (IE.New.IE8.11.39)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Michael Black (IE.New.IE8.11.40)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE8.11.41)
(October 16, 2019) E-mail from Donna Patterson (IE.New.IE8.11.42)
(October 17, 2019) E-mail from Kristina Stockwood (IE.New.IE8.11.43)
(October 17, 2019) Letter from Ryan Miller, Cresford (IE.New.IE8.11.44)
(October 17, 2019) E-mail from Michael Low (IE.New.IE8.11.45)
(October 17, 2019) E-mail from Linda McLean (IE.New.IE8.11.46)
(October 17, 2019) E-mail from Maureen Kaprel (IE.New.IE8.11.47)
(October 11, 2019) E-mail from Multiple Communications from 125 individuals on IE8.11.48 (IE.New.IE8.11.48)


Kevin Rupasinghe, Cycle Toronto
Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mike Layton (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at