Item - 2021.IE25.19

Tracking Status

IE25.19 - Galloway Road Bike Lane Upgrades

Decision Type:
24 - Scarborough - Guildwood

Committee Decision

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee:


1. Requested the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with any necessary City Divisions, to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee, through the report "Cycling Network Plan Near-Term – Plan Update", expected at the December 2021 meeting, on plans to:


a. advance the upgrade of the Galloway Road Bike Lanes from the current signed bikeway to designated bike lanes;

b. explore the installation of green pedestrian infrastructure on Galloway Road; and


c. next steps for public community consultation with affected area residents of the Guildwood Village community, Scarborough-Guildwood.


(October 12, 2021) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie, Ward 24, Scarborough-Guildwood


Galloway Road is a 1.9 kilometres stretch that runs through two of Scarborough-Guildwood’s neighbourhoods servicing hundreds of diverse families and residents. Galloway Road is an existing signed bikeway and is expected to see programmed upgrades with designated marked bike lanes by 2024, the earliest. This upgrade is expected on Galloway Road between Guildwood Parkway and Coronation Drive.


I am requesting that the designated bikeway project term for Galloway Road be advanced to increase the cycling infrastructure in eastern Scarborough and request that the installation of green pedestrian infrastructure be explored with the consideration of public consultation from area residents.


Many local residents have reached out to my office with concerns regarding speeding and increased traffic volume. Without appropriate pedestrian and cycling infrastructure in place, the safety concerns continue to climb.


Adding designated bike lanes, via markings and/or flex posts, coupled with green pedestrian infrastructure to Galloway Road will help encourage walking and cycling and reduce road space to prevent speeding and dangerous driving. The addition of green pedestrian infrastructure could also help in increasing tree canopy with native trees, shrubs and pollinator patches.

Background Information

(October 12, 2021) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie on Galloway Road Bike Lane Upgrades


(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Kilo Magnusson (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Tatiana Herman (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Bruce Novakowski (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Nicole Visschedyk (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Janet Lin (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Dana Snell (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Timothy Miles (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Denis Walsh (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Thomas Appleyard (IE.Supp)
(October 24, 2021) E-mail from Ulrik Westergaard (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Ted Mann (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Andrew Stokes (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Patrick DeRochies (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Rhoda Potter (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Alexa Sylvestre (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Michael Gauthier (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Ben Luong (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Karen Jones (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from David Ta (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Kerry Landry (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from James Malekzadeh (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Jeff Sauer (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Marjorie Nichol (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Norwin Anne (IE.Supp)
(October 25, 2021) E-mail from Robert and Jennifer D’Addario (IE.Supp)
(October 25, 2021) E-mail from Jim Whitney, President, Guildwood Village Community Association (GVCA) (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Kevin Le Blanc (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from B.R. Ashley (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Patrick McCluskey (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Bailey Chui (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Ian Razon (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Cesar Shiao Mo (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Scott Greenwood (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Alex Korobchevsky (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Melvin Mariampillai (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Randall Boyd (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from John MacMillan (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Jason C. (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Jorge Chaves (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Jundi Abdul Mawla (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Carole Milon (IE.Supp)
(October 22, 2021) E-mail from Robert Staples (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Ramses Moya (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Santhia Muthusamy (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Shanaaz Sheriff (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Christine Gebel (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Madison Maguire (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Eric Woolston (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Doug Pritchard (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Gerry Brown (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Riccardo Caimano (IE.Supp)
(October 23, 2021) E-mail from Chantal Cornu (IE.Supp)
(October 24, 2021) E-mail from Martin Gagne (IE.Supp)
(October 24, 2021) E-mail from Claire de Visme (IE.Supp)
(October 24, 2021) E-mail from Francis May (IE.Supp)
(October 25, 2021) E-mail from Luke Franceschini (IE.Supp)
(October 25, 2021) E-mail from Nithursan Elamuhilan (IE.Supp)
(October 25, 2021) E-mail from Keenan Mosdell (IE.Supp)
(October 25, 2021) E-mail from Douglas Yardley (IE.Supp)
(October 26, 2021) E-mail from Cory Borkhoff (IE.Supp)


1 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie (Carried)

That Infrastructure and Environment Committee delete the recommendation and adopt instead the following new recommendation:


1. Infrastructure and Environment Committee request the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with any necessary City Divisions, to report back to Infrastructure and Environment Committee, through the report "Cycling Network Plan Near-Term – Plan Update", expected at the December 2021 meeting, on plans to:


a. advance the upgrade of the Galloway Road Bike Lanes from the current signed bikeway to designated bike lanes;

b. explore the installation of green pedestrian infrastructure on Galloway Road; and


c. next steps for public community consultation with affected area residents of the Guildwood Village community, Scarborough-Guildwood.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at