Item - 2021.PH29.10

Tracking Status

PH29.10 - Our Plan Toronto: Keele-St. Clair Local Area Study - Draft Official Plan Amendment

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston, 9 - Davenport

Committee Decision

The Planning and Housing Committee:


1. Directed that the draft Official Plan Amendments appended to this report as Attachments 1 and 2 to the report (November 10, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning be endorsed as the basis for public consultation.


2. Directed City Planning staff to engage with the public and key stakeholders, including the local community, Indigenous communities, landowners, businesses and agencies, to obtain comments and feedback on the draft Official Plan Amendments.


3. Requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to prepare a Final Recommendation Report with a recommended Official Plan Amendment for the Keele-St. Clair Local Area to Planning and Housing Committee in the second quarter, 2022 for a special meeting in fulfillment of Section 26 of the Planning Act as part of the current Municipal Comprehensive Review (Our Plan Toronto).



4. Directed the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to continue to consult with the landowners on the south side of McCormack Street, including 65-81 McCormack Street, on the feasibility and appropriateness of an employment land conversion to a designation(s) that may permit a range of uses, including residential, parks, commercial, retail, and employment uses, that are compatible with the residential uses to the north and the employment uses to the south.


5. Directed the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to continue to consult with the landowners of 189-195 Old Weston Road on the feasibility and appropriateness of an employment land conversion to a designation(s) that may permit a range of uses, including residential, parks, commercial, retail, and employment uses, that are compatible with surrounding residential uses and that can accommodate appropriate rail safety requirements.


6. Directed the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to continue to consult with Dunpar Homes on the following:


a. The feasibility and appropriateness of an employment land conversion to a designation(s) that may permit a range of uses including residential, parks, commercial, office, retail, light industrial, and other employment uses that complement and enhance the employment uses on the west side of Cawthra Avenue and that are compatible with planned residential uses within the Keele-St. Clair Local Area Secondary Plan; and

b. The feasibility and appropriateness of expanding the Protected Major Transit Station Area boundary identified in SASP 630 Projected Major Transit Station Area – St. Clair-Old Weston Station to include all of 35 Cawthra Avenue.


(November 10, 2021) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


This report presents draft amendments to Chapter 6, Secondary Plans, Chapter 7, Site and Area Specific Policies, Map 2, Urban Structure, Map 17, Land Use Plan, Map 35, Secondary Plan Key Map, and Schedule 2, The Designation of Planned but Unbuilt Roads of the Official Plan, for the purposes of public consultation as part of the current Municipal Comprehensive Review ("MCR") and Growth Plan Conformity Exercise of the City of Toronto Official Plan under Section 26 of the Planning Act.


The proposed Secondary Plan, Site and Area Specific Policies and land use modifications respond to feedback from public and stakeholder consultation and are intended to create a framework for the development of a complete community around the planned St. Clair-Old Weston GO Transit/SmartTrack Station located at the intersection of Union and Townsley Streets. A draft Official Plan Amendment is appended as Attachment 1 to this report.


The draft Official Plan Amendments will be used as the basis for ongoing consultation with the public, stakeholders and City divisions with the intent of staff advancing proposed changes in early 2022 as part of the final recommendation on new policies and the final assessments of requests to convert lands within Employment Areas as part of the MCR.

Background Information

(November 10, 2021) Report and Attachments 1 to 3 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Our Plan Toronto: Keele-St. Clair Local Area Study - Draft Official Plan Amendment


(November 24, 2021) Letter from Giulio Cescato, Associate Director - Practice Lead, Planning. IBI Group on behalf of Sequoia Grove Homes, the owners of 1799 St. Clair Avenue West (PH.New)
(November 24, 2021) Letter from Joel Farber, Fogler, Rubinoff LLP, on behalf of Consolidated Bottle, owner of 77 Union (PH.New)
(November 24, 2021) Letter from Joel Farber, Fogler, Rubinoff LLP, on behalf of 88 Cawthra Inc. owner of 88-142 Cawthra Avenue. (PH.New)
(November 24, 2021) Letter from Michael Foderick, McCarthy Tetrault LLP, representing prominent sites located in the Keele-St. Clair Secondary Plan Area (PH.New)
(November 24, 2021) Letter from Joel Farber, Fogler, Rubinoff LLP, on behalf of Riotrin Properties (Weston) Inc., owner of RioCan Stockyards Village (PH.New)
(November 24, 2021) Letter from Paul Lowes, SGL Planning & Design Inc., on behalf of Benny Stark, the owners of 0, 119-125, 144, 160 and 200 Benny Stark Street and 116-122 Turnberry Avenue (the “subject site”). (PH.New)
(November 25, 2021) E-mail from Rob Muru, Muru Properties (PH.New)


1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)



1. The Planning and Housing Committee direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to continue to consult with the landowners on the south side of McCormack Street, including 65-81 McCormack Street, on the feasibility and appropriateness of an employment land conversion to a designation(s) that may permit a range of uses, including residential, parks, commercial, retail, and employment uses, that are compatible with the residential uses to the north and the employment uses to the south.


2. The Planning and Housing Committee direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to continue to consult with the landowners of 189-195 Old Weston Road on the feasibility and appropriateness of an employment land conversion to a designation(s) that may permit a range of uses, including residential, parks, commercial, retail, and employment uses, that are compatible with surrounding residential uses and that can accommodate appropriate rail safety requirements.

2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)



1. The Planning and Housing Committee direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to continue to consult with Dunpar Homes on the following:


a. The feasibility and appropriateness of an employment land conversion to a designation(s) that may permit a range of uses including residential, parks, commercial, office, retail, light industrial, and other employment uses that complement and enhance the employment uses on the west side of Cawthra Avenue and that are compatible with planned residential uses within the Keele-St. Clair Local Area Secondary Plan; and

b. The feasibility and appropriateness of expanding the Protected Major Transit Station Area boundary identified in SASP 630 Projected Major Transit Station Area – St. Clair-Old Weston Station to include all of 35 Cawthra Avenue.

3 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at