Item - 2022.EX33.5

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Executive Committee on June 8, 2022 and was adopted with amendments.

EX33.5 - Status of Small Business Property Tax Subclass Implementation

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Executive Committee:


1. Directed the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the Chief Communications Officer, Strategic Public and Employee Communications and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to develop a public awareness campaign on the tax reduction benefits of the small business property tax sub-class specifically focusing on tenants in a gross lease and to report back to the Executive Committee with an update as part of the one year review of the Small Business Property Tax Subclass.


(May 24, 2022) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer


At its November 9, 10 & 12, 2021 meeting, during its consideration of Item EX27.7: Implementing a Small Business Property Tax Subclass, Council adopted the small business property tax subclass for the commercial property tax class, as well as the eligibility criteria, the process to approve the inclusion of properties in the subclass and the process to address requests for reconsideration, appeals and other provisions related to the implementation and administration of the subclass.


In its consideration of this item, Council also directed the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the City Solicitor, to report back in 2022 on:


- the feasibility of developing a mechanism for ensuring that subclass property owners with tenants in gross leases pass down the benefits of the reduced property taxes to those tenants; and


- if such a mechanism is not feasible by the City, whether changes to provincial laws could be made to achieve this objective.


In addition, Council directed the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to collaborate with Strategic Communications to develop a public awareness campaign directed at both property owners and business operators/tenants about the Subclass, including how it works and who should benefit from it.


In response to these directions, staff have examined possible mechanisms to require property owners to pass through tax reductions to tenants. Given that current legislation does not provide a mechanism by which the City can interfere in the contractual relationship between a commercial landlord and their tenant, it appears that the City has limited means available to enforce a pass-through of property tax decreases to tenants. A public awareness campaign for the Subclass is under development to ensure that business owners and tenants are informed of the tax reductions available, and the dispute/appeal mechanisms that are available. This information is outlined within this report.

Background Information

(May 24, 2022) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Status of Small Business Property Tax Subclass Implementation


1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Mayor John Tory (Carried)

That Executive Committee direct the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, in consultation with the Chief Communications Officer, Strategic Public and Employee Communications and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to develop a public awareness campaign on the tax reduction benefits of the small business property tax sub-class specifically focusing on tenants in a gross lease and to report back to the Executive Committee with an update as part of the one year review of the Small Business Property Tax Subclass. 

Source: Toronto City Clerk at