Item - 2022.PH32.7

Tracking Status

PH32.7 - Our Plan Toronto: Draft Major Transit Station Area Delineations - 57 Protected Major Transit Station Areas and 40 Major Transit Station Areas

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Planning and Housing Committee:


1. Authorized the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to use the proposed Official Plan Amendment, attached as Attachment 3 to the report (March 4, 2022) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning as a basis for consultation and bring forward a Final Report by July 5, 2022.


2. Directed the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to consider opportunities for more density where feasible at all Major Transit Station Areas for the purpose of increasing affordable housing across the City and report back in the Final Report.


(March 4, 2022) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


In June 2020, the City Planning Division initiated the Growth Plan Conformity and Municipal Comprehensive Review ("MCR") which includes the delineation of approximately 180 potential Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) to meet Provincial minimum intensification requirements. A subset of Major Transit Station Areas (MTSAs) will be identified as Protected Major Transit Station Areas (PMTSAs), where the Council-approved inclusionary zoning policy framework can be implemented. An equity lens is being applied to this work program through prioritizing the delineation of Protected Major Transit Station Areas to enable the implementation of Inclusionary Zoning (IZ) as an affordable housing tool, where market conditions through the approved Inclusionary Zoning framework can support it.


This report will be the basis for consultation for two draft Official Plan Amendments (OPA) that include 97 total Major Transit Station Areas/Protected Major Transit Station Areas:

  • Draft Official Plan Amendments 570 includes 57 stations, all of which are proposed Protected Major Transit Station Areas; and
  • Draft Official Plan Amendments 575 includes 40 stations, all of which are proposed Major Transit Station Areas.

Official Plan Amendments 570, delineates 57 proposed Protected Major Transit Station Areas and Site and Area Specific Policies (SASPs) in areas where either the station area overlaps with a Council-approved inclusionary zoning market area or Council has directed staff to identify the station as a Protected Major Transit Station Areas, or where there was an ongoing study which could meet the Protected Major Transit Station Areas requirements. Official Plan Amendments 575, delineates 40 proposed Major Transit Station Areas and Site and Area Specific Policies remaining across the City.


The 97 draft Major Transit Station Areas/Protected Major Transit Station Areas delineations in this report address the conformity requirements of A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2020) (the "Growth Plan"). The 57 potential Protected Major Transit Station Areas also address the inclusionary zoning requirements under Section 16(15) of the Planning Act.


For each of the 97 station areas, a draft Site and Area Specific Policy (SASP) establishes a minimum density target (residents and jobs per hectare) that meet or exceed the Growth Plan's targets. For potential Protected Major Transit Station Areas, the Site and Area Specific Policies also include minimum development density (Floor Space Index ("FSI") or minimum number of units). Both of these minimum density measures are based on the following Council-approved development framework: in effect Official Plan land use designations within the identified areas; as-of-right zoning by-law permissions; density permissions included in secondary plans; and approved developments that have not yet been built.


The density measures included in the Site and Area Specific Policies are minimums and do not preclude the submission, staff review, and Council approval of any new development applications that may exceed these minimums. In many cases, it is expected that development in Mixed-Use Areas will exceed these minimums. Updates to Zoning By-laws will follow the Minister's approval of the final Official Plan Amendments to ensure consistency with the identified minimum densities in each Site and Area Specific Policy.


City Planning will use these draft 57 Protected Major Transit Station Areas (Official Plan Amendments 570) and 40 Major Transit Station Areas (Official Plan Amendments 575) as a basis for consultation, prior to advancing a final Report for City Council's adoption. The Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing is the approval authority for the delineation of Major Transit Station Areas and Protected Major Transit Station Areas. There is no appeal of the Minister's decision.

Background Information

(March 4, 2022) Report and Attachments 1, 2, and 5 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Our Plan Toronto: Draft Major Transit Station Area Delineations - 57 Protected Major Transit Station Areas and 40 Major Transit Station Areas
Attachment 3: Draft Official Plan Amendment 570 - 57 Protected Major Transit Station Areas City-wide (Part 1)
Attachment 3: Draft Official Plan Amendment 570 - 57 Protected Major Transit Station Areas City-wide (Part 2)
Attachment 4: Draft Official Plan Amendment 575 - 40 Major Transit Station Areas City-wide


(March 24, 2022) Submission from Mark Flowers, Davies Howe LLP on behalf of 1941 Eglinton East Holdings Inc. (PH.New)
(March 25, 2022) Letter from Tyler Peck, Senior Associate, WND Associates on behalf of Woodbine Entertainment Group (PH.New)
(March 24, 2022) Letter from Anthony Greenberg, SvN Architects and Planners (PH.New)


1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)

That the Planning and Housing Committee:


1. Direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to consider opportunities for more density where feasible at all Major Transit Station Areas for the purpose of increasing affordable housing across the City and report back in the Final Report.

2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at