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Notices Open Data API

The Public Notice website contains open source data related to notices published by the City Clerk as of January 1, 2018. This dataset is part of the City of Toronto's ongoing commitment to proactive disclosure and the Open Data project.

The public notice dataset is available in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).

Search Notices and Open Data and REST Resources

Open Data and REST Resources

Create a dataset

You can use the API link to download a real-time dataset containing all of the notices published on this website

The API can be filtered by using the Search Notices tab, and selecting the Make {REST API} Search URL button. This will produce an API URL containing the criteria from your search.

Guide to the data

All data fields prefaced by an (*) may contain multiple entries. Some data fields may not contain a value as not all data fields are mandatory.

  • noticeId – The unique numerical identifier for each notice.
  • title – The title of the notice describing the subject of the notice and the address, if any.
  • subheading – The subheading is used to provide additional detail about the notice.
  • decisionBody – The governing body with final decision-making power over the matter in the notice.
  • *eventList – The event date, time and address of any event associated with the notice. The time is in milliseconds.
  • noticeDescription – The details of the notice, which contains HTML markup for layout/formatting.
  • accessibilityDescription – The description of accommodations available in advance of an event.
  • noticeDate – The date and time the notice was published. The time is in milliseconds.
  • *addressList – The municipal address related to the notice. Addresses contain map latitude/longitude for recommended map display placement.
  • *topics – The tiered classification of each notice based on the notice subject.
  • *planningApplicationNumbers – The file number assigned by City Planning to a planning application.
  • *backgroundInformationList – Additional documents attached to a notice.
  • *otherReferenceList – URLs directing web-based material associated with a notice.
  • contact – The name and contact information for the key person associated with the notice.
  • signedBy – The name of the person authorizing the notice.