Item - 2008.AU7.2

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Audit Committee on April 22, 2008 and was adopted with amendments.

AU7.2 - Toronto Transit Commission - Information Technology Projects, Opportunities for Improvements

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Audit Committee:


1.         requested the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to report to the next meeting of the Audit Committee on July 10, 2008, providing the original business case information for SAP as it applies to the City and its agencies, boards and commissions, including an update on the current and planned development of the SAP system;


2.         requested the Toronto Transit Commission to report to the Audit Committee with a breakdown of the following consultant costs, with information on who received the contract, and how much each contract was worth:


-           from 2001-2005, over 150 consultants hired by the TTC at an approximate cost of $29 million; and


-           in 2006, $9.5 million spent by the TTC on external consultants; and


 3.        received for information, the letter (February 28, 2008) from the General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission, and the related attachments.


(February 28, 2008) Letter from the General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission


The Toronto Transit Commission considered a report (January 14, 2008) from the City's Auditor General, entitled "The Management of Information Technology Projects - Opportunities for Improvement, Toronto Transit Commission". The Commission received the report for information, and directed staff to forward the report to the City Audit Committee for information.

In 2006, as part of the City Auditor General’s schedule of audits, the TTC Information Technology Services (ITS) Department was identified as an area for review. I.T. related projects are traditionally considered to be very complex and difficult to manage. Therefore, the City Auditor wished to examine the activities at the TTC. As the report outlines, the audit reviewed projects that commenced in 2001 and auditors tracked activities through December 31, 2006.

The Audit report identifies 15 areas with opportunities for improvements. As a result of previous TTC Internal Audit report findings, many of these opportunities had been identified and I.T.S. staff had already put in place corrective actions. As a result, 9 of the 15 identified areas have already been addressed and are therefore marked ‘complete’. The remaining items have been acknowledged by staff and activities and timelines to address the issues have been laid out, as reflected in the Management Responses Section of the report.

Background Information

(February 28, 2008) Letter from the General Secretary, Toronto Transit Commission - Toronto Transit Commission - Information Technology Projects, Opportunities for Improvements
TTC Report No. 19 (February 27, 2008) Subject: City Auditor General's Report "Information Technology Projects - Opportunities for Improvements"
Report from the Auditor General - The Management of Information Technology Projects - Opportunities for Improvement, Toronto Transit Commission
Appendix 1 to the Auditor General's Report
Appendix 2 - Management's Response
Source: Toronto City Clerk at