Item - 2009.EX33.20

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on August 5, 2009 without amendments.
  • This item will be considered by Executive Committee on June 2, 2009. It will be considered by City Council on August 5, 2009, subject to the actions of the Executive Committee.

EX33.20 - Western Waterfront Master Plan

Decision Type:
13 - Parkdale-High Park, 14 - Parkdale-High Park

City Council Decision

City Council on August 5 and 6, 2009, adopted the following:


1.         City Council approve the May 2009 Western Waterfront Master Plan which is to guide future decisions related to improvements to the public realm within this area.


2.         City Council direct the General Manager of Transportation Services to include for consideration in the 2010 Capital Budget for Transportation Services as a new project, $2.0 million in new capital funding ($1.0 million in 2010 and $1.0 million in 2011) in order to initiate in 2010 the environmental assessment for reconfiguration of Lake Shore Boulevard between the Humber River and Exhibition Place.


3.         City Council request the Chief Planner to consider inclusion of the Western Waterfront Master Plan Area within the jurisdiction of the City of Toronto Design Review Panel.


4.         City Council authorize the Waterfront Project Director to issue the Notice of Completion and file the May 2009 Western Waterfront Master Plan in the public record in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.


5.         City Council direct the Waterfront Project Director to establish an inter-divisional staff committee to coordinate and identify resource requirements for implementation of the Master Plan.


6.         City Council authorize the creation of community advisory committees for major projects within the Western Waterfront to provide advice on future phasing and design.


7.         City Council direct the General Managers of Toronto Water, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and Transportation Services, and the Executive Directors of Technical Services and City Planning, to identify new projects that could expedite implementation of the Master Plan in the short term, for consideration as part of the 2010 Capital Budget process.


8.         City Council direct City staff to consult with impacted stakeholders to address operational and other issues when designing road realignments and improvements required to enhance public access to the water’s edge.


9.         City Council authorize and direct appropriate City Officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.


Background Information (Committee)

(May 15, 2009) Report from Deputy City Manager - Western Waterfront Master Plan
Attachment 1 - Concept Plan
Attachment 2 - Implementation Plan

Background Information (City Council)

(July 23, 2009) Supplementary Report from the Waterfront Project Director (EX33.20a)

Communications (Committee)

(June 1, 2009) E-mail from Roger Brook, Chair, Parkdale-High Park Residents Waterfront Group (EX.Main.EX33.20.1)
(June 1, 2009) E-mail from Judy Sutcliffe, Secretary, Argonaut Rowing Club (EX.Main.EX33.20.2)
(June 2, 2009) Letter from Robin B. Schwill, President, The Boulevard Club Limited (EX.Main.EX33.20.3)
(June 2, 2009) Submission from Madeleine McDowell, Chair, Humber Heritage Committee (EX.Main.EX33.20.4)
(June 2, 2009) Submission from Norman McLeod, Etobicoke York Preservation Panel (EX.Main.EX33.20.5)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

EX33.20 - Western Waterfront Master Plan

Consideration Type:
1:45 PM
13 - Parkdale-High Park, 14 - Parkdale-High Park


(May 15, 2009) Report from Deputy City Manager Richard Butts


The Deputy City Manager recommends that City Council:


1.         Approve the May 2009 Western Waterfront Master Plan which is to guide future decisions related to improvements to the public realm within this area.


2.         Direct the General Manager of Transportation Services to include for consideration in the 2010 Capital Budget for Transportation Services as a new project, $2.0 million in new capital funding ($1.0 million in 2010 and $1.0 million in 2011) in order to initiate in 2010 the environmental assessment for reconfiguration of Lake Shore Boulevard between the Humber River and Exhibition Place.


3.         Request the Chief Planner to consider inclusion of the Western Waterfront Master Plan Area within the jurisdiction of the City of Toronto Design Review Panel.


4.         Authorize the Waterfront Project Director to issue the Notice of Completion and file the May 2009 Western Waterfront Master Plan in the public record in accordance with the requirements of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.


5.         Direct the Waterfront Project Director to establish an inter-divisional staff committee to coordinate and identify resource requirements for implementation of the Master Plan.


6.         Authorize the creation of community advisory committees for major projects within the Western Waterfront to provide advice on future phasing and design.


7.         Direct the General Managers of Toronto Water, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and Transportation Services, and the Executive Directors of Technical Services and City Planning, to identify new projects that could expedite implementation of the Master Plan in the short term, for consideration as part of the 2010 Capital Budget process.


8.         Direct City staff to consult with impacted stakeholders to address operational and other issues when designing road realignments and improvements required to enhance public access to the water’s edge.


9.         Authorize and direct appropriate City Officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto.



This report recommends that the Western Waterfront Master Plan be approved by City Council and used to guide future decisions related to improvements to the public realm within the Western Waterfront over the next twenty years and beyond.


The Master Plan provides an overall vision for improving parkland, beaches, break walls, trails, promenades, roads, bridges, servicing and recreational facilities within the Western Waterfront. The Plan applies to the waterfront area between the Humber River and Exhibition Place and includes Sunnyside Beach and Marilyn Bell Park. It was prepared for the City by a consulting team led by planning Alliance.

Financial Impact


Funding for some projects referenced in the Master Plan is available under existing City programs in the approved 2009 Capital Budget and Five-Year Capital Forecast for Transportation Services, Technical Services, Toronto Water, Economic Development, Culture and Tourism, and City Planning. These projects, with a total value in 2009 of $2.134 million, are:


-           Rehabilitation of Jameson Avenue and Lake Shore Boulevard bridges over the Gardiner Expressway

-           Beach curtain pilot project at Sunnyside Beach

-           War of 1812 Bi-Centennial Trail

-         Humber East Trail Improvements- Gardiner to The Queensway

-           Boardwalk Repair- Sunnyside Pavilion to Palais Royale

-           Interpretive Feature- Humber Historical Trail


In addition, developer contributions under Section 37 of the Planning Act and a private donation are being used in 2009 to construct a new playground at the Joy Station at a cost of $125,000, and up to $325,000 in Section 37 funding is available in 2009 for the installation of public art at the Windermere underpass.


The cost in 2010 for Technical Services to continue the rehabilitation of the Jameson and Lake Shore Boulevard bridges over the Gardiner is expected to be in the range of $3 million. Funding in 2010 for this and other ongoing capital programs of City divisions within the Western Waterfront, and for any possible enhancements to these programs to expedite implementation of the Master Plan along with their capital and operating impacts, will be reviewed by the recommended Inter-divisional Staff Committee for consideration in the 2010 Capital Budget.


Initiation of a new project, the Environmental Assessment for reconfiguration of Lake Shore Boulevard in the Western Waterfront, will cost up to $2.0 million over two years. It is recommended that a request for new capital funding for this amount be presented for consideration in the 2010 Capital Budget for Transportation Services.


Other new projects identified in the implementation plan of the Western Waterfront Master Plan will require new capital funding from the City, private sector or other sources. Staff is recommending that any new projects be identified and assessed by the Inter-divisional Staff Committee recommended in this report and submitted for consideration as new projects in the 2010 Capital Budget process. 


A preliminary estimate (in 2009 dollars) prepared by the study consultants of the capital cost for full implementation of the Master Plan is:


Phase 1 (1-5 years) -        $23.5 million

Phase 2 (6-20 years) -    $196.9 million

Phase 3 (20+ years) -       $42.0 million

               Total                 $262.4 million


The cost of Phase 3 would increase in the range of $70 million if deflector islands at the Humber River are constructed.


These preliminary cost estimates are based on a concept plan level of analysis and the consultants’ experience with similar projects. A contingency of 30% for land-based projects and 40% for in-lake projects is included. Cost escalation would further increase the costs beyond 2009 dollars, depending on when the projects are implemented.


The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.


Background Information

(May 15, 2009) Report from Deputy City Manager - Western Waterfront Master Plan
Attachment 1 - Concept Plan
Attachment 2 - Implementation Plan


(June 1, 2009) E-mail from Roger Brook, Chair, Parkdale-High Park Residents Waterfront Group (EX.Main.EX33.20.1)
(June 1, 2009) E-mail from Judy Sutcliffe, Secretary, Argonaut Rowing Club (EX.Main.EX33.20.2)
(June 2, 2009) Letter from Robin B. Schwill, President, The Boulevard Club Limited (EX.Main.EX33.20.3)
(June 2, 2009) Submission from Madeleine McDowell, Chair, Humber Heritage Committee (EX.Main.EX33.20.4)
(June 2, 2009) Submission from Norman McLeod, Etobicoke York Preservation Panel (EX.Main.EX33.20.5)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at