Item - 2011.LS9.2

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by the Licensing and Standards Committee on October 13, 2011. The Committee received the item for information only. No further action will be taken on this item.

LS9.2 - Licensing of Children's Entertainers

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Licensing and Standards Committee received this item for information.


(September 26, 2011) Report from the Acting Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards


The purpose of this report is to respond to a request from the Licensing and Standards Committee to examine whether children's entertainers should be municipally licensed.


There is insufficient evidence that the business of children's entertainment poses a risk to children.  There have not been any publicly documented cases in the Greater Toronto Area that demonstrate or suggest that children's entertainers as a group pose a risk to the safety of children.


The term "children's entertainer" is an ambiguous one, incapable of precise definition.  This vagueness makes it difficult, if not impossible, to regulate children' entertainers as a class of business.  Furthermore, as the City only licenses businesses, such regulation would not capture a significant portion of children's entertainers.


As well, only a Vulnerable Sector Verification provides a sufficiently-detailed criminal history of an individual in order to protect children from sex offenders.  This type of police check can only be requested by an agency or organization for employment and volunteer purposes.  Municipal Licensing and Standards (MLS) does not have access to this extensive type of record check.


This report was written in consultation with the City Solicitor.

Background Information

(September 26, 2011) Report from the Acting Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on Licensing of Children's Entertainers


(October 12, 2011) Multiple Communications from Linda Beaudoin, including a petition with approximately 600 signatures (LS.New.LS9.2.1)


Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Frances Nunziata (Carried)
That the item be received for information.
Source: Toronto City Clerk at