Item - 2012.EX21.39

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by the Executive Committee on June 12, 2012. The Committee received the item for information only. No further action will be taken on this item.

EX21.39 - Woodbine Live Project - Administrative Inquiry and Answer IA23.1 referred by City Council on May 8 and 9, 2012

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Executive Committee received the item for information.


(May 14, 2012) Report from City Council referring Administrative Inquiry IA23.1 from Councillor Janet Davis, Ward 31, Beaches-East York


City Council, on May 8 and 9, 2012, referred Administrative Inquiry IA23.1 from Councillor Janet Davis, Ward 31, Beaches-East York, regarding the Woodbine Live Project and Answer IA23.1a from the City Manager, to the Executive Committee for consideration.


Councillor Janet Davis has submitted the following Administrative Inquiry:


"I am submitting this Administrative Inquiry (under Municipal Code S27-61) to seek information about the status of the Woodbine Live Project.


I am requesting a response from the City Manager to the following questions:


1.         What is the status of the Tax Incentive Equivalent Grants (TIEG) for Woodbine Live? Has the Financial Incentives Agreement been negotiated? Has the applicant agreed to the Minimum Eligibility Requirements for the Base or Enhanced Grants?


2.         What is the status of the negotiations with respect to the terms of the Community Improvement Project (CIP)?


3.         What is the status of the Subdivision Agreement for Phase 1A of the development?


4.         Have any Building Permit applications been received?


5.         Are there any time limits included in the Council direction related to this project, that have been exceeded, or are likely to be exceeded. 


6.         Could you please provide a summary of the negotiations sessions that have taken place with the proponent over the 2 past years with respect to the Woodbine Live Project?


            I look forward to your responses to these questions."

Background Information

(May 14, 2012) Woodbine Live Project - Administrative Inquiry and Answer IA23.1 referred by City Council on May 8 and 9, 2012
(April 3, 2012) Attachment - Letter from Councillor Janet Davis on Administrative Inquiry on Woodbine Live Project


Motion to Receive Item moved by Councillor Michelle Berardinetti (Carried)
That the item be received for information.
Source: Toronto City Clerk at