Item - 2013.ED24.3

Tracking Status

ED24.3 - Collaborating for Competitiveness: Tech Sector Recruitment Strategy (Implementation Action 4A)

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Economic Development Committee:


1.         Requested the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to work in partnership with the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, and representatives from the technology sector to develop a Technology Sector Employment Plan that will identify a range of opportunities to connect job seekers, educators, trainers, employers and recruitment firms, including tech sector job and career fairs, and a workshop forum for recruitment firms specializing in the Tech sector.


(August 27, 2013) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture


This report responds to Economic Development Committee's request to the General Manager, Economic Development & Culture to develop a strategy to assist small Toronto-based firms in the Tech sector with their recruitment efforts.


In recent years the City has developed three key strategies - Collaborating for Competitiveness, Strong Neighbourhoods 2020, and Working as One: A Workforce Development Strategy for Toronto – that collectively work to sustain and advance economic growth, ensure all communities share in the opportunities that are created, and better connect jobseekers and employers. All three strategies work in a complementary and integrated manner to advance the City's objectives and provide improved services to businesses and residents directly and in partnership with others.


In keeping with these strategic direction, this report proposes developing a Technology Sector Employment Plan, that will include a number of specific recruitment strategies.  By moving forward in this way, the City will better address the recruitment needs of the technology sector and help job seekers secure gainful, quality employment. 


This approach will strengthen the industry within the city and help to forge relationships between employers, colleges, universities and other education providers, recent graduates, recruitment firms, youth, newcomers, and residents of Neighbourhood Improvement Areas

Background Information

(August 27, 2013) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Collaborating for Competitiveness: Tech Sector Recruitment Strategy (Implementation Action 4A)


Bilal Khan, Managing Director, OneEleven - 111
Renato Discenza, CEO Invest Toronto


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at