Item - 2016.PW10.7

Tracking Status

PW10.7 - Curbside Management Strategy - Records Management Operations

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee:


1.  Requested the General Manager, Transportation Services, as part of the Curbside Management Strategy, to consult Business Improvement Areas, local property managers and Ward Councillors, beginning with the Financial District BIA and its local property managers and Ward Councillors, on the feasibility of developing corporate or privately-owned on-site secure facilities to allow shredding and other records management services to be conducted during off-peak times, including evening and weekends, and, if successful, to expand related initiatives and/or programs to other services as well as areas outside of the Financial District.


(January 6, 2016) Letter from Councillor Jaye Robinson


Congestion is costing the City of Toronto up to $11 billion a year. It also negatively impacts our economic competitiveness, environment and social fabric.


Gridlock in the downtown business district is exacerbated by records management and shredding operations that service major office buildings in the area.


That's why I'm requesting that city staff work with the Financial District BIA and local property managers to consider options for on-site secure facilities that will allow pick-ups, shredding and other procedures related to records management to be completed during off-peak hours, including evenings and weekends.


More effective management of service providers in the downtown core will not only improve traffic flow on our major corridors and arterial roads but will also help to keep the downtown cycling lanes free of obstructions and reduce the carbon footprint created by the many trucks that enter and exit our city every day.


Reducing congestion city-wide requires input from key stakeholders, including the local Business Improvement Areas, local property managers and Ward Councillors.


I've consulted with Transportation Services staff and the Financial District BIA, and they are supportive of this recommendation.

Background Information

(January 6, 2016) Letter from Councillor Jaye Robinson on Records Management Operations in the Financial District


(January 19, 2016) Letter from Grant Humes, Executive Director, Toronto Financial District BIA (PW.New.PW10.7.1)


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Jaye Robinson (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at