Item - 2019.IE10.4

Tracking Status

IE10.4 - Congestion Management Plan - Update

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Infrastructure and Environment Committee:


1.  Requested the General Manager, Transportation Services to include, as part of the March 2020 report on the Congestion Management Plan:


a.  A measure of the impact of commercial deliveries and ride share on congestion in the City of Toronto, and how to better measure impacts; 


b.  A review of the use of one way streets to address congestion and gridlock;


c.  The results and implementation of the downtown operations study; and


d.  Data and recommendations on the impact of increases from urban freight delivery vehicles associated with the growth of online shopping. 


2.  Requested the General Manager of Transportation to include the following as the first principle of the Congestion Management Plan: to reduce congestion and to move people safely and efficiently.


(October 24, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services


The purpose of this report is to provide a status update for projects being undertaken as part of the Congestion Management Plan (the 'CMP'). The City of Toronto’s CMP objectives are to better manage congestion (e.g. reduce delays and the number of stops) and improve safety through innovations in policy, operations and technology that will maximize the efficiency, reliability and sustainability of the road network for all users while reducing the impacts on the environment.


The overall vision of the CMP is: Through innovation and technology maximize the safety, efficiency, reliability and sustainability of the transportation network for all users while reducing the impact on the environment.


To accomplish this vision, the CMP is comprised of a series of projects to be completed over a multi-year period (currently scheduled 2016-2020), covering nine key focus areas. As part of the program mandate, City Council has directed the General Manager, Transportation Services, to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on the status of the CMP on a regular basis.


This report provides a status overview for the various projects within the Congestion Management Plan. Attachment 1 summarizes these projects and their planned completion dates. Attachment 2 provides an overview of Congestion Management Plan accomplishments that have been delivered since the start of the program in 2014 (inclusive of those completed in the review period).


It should be noted that the projects described in this report do not represent the total number of projects within the CMP, as there are a number of projects that are not scheduled to start until future years (i.e. 2020 and 2021).

Background Information

(October 24, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Congestion Management Plan - Update
Attachment 1 - Congestion Management Plan Status Table (Q2 2018 - Q2 2019)
Attachment 2 - Congestion Management Plan Accomplishments To-Date
Attachment 3 - Traffic Signal Coordination Map Q2 2018 - Q1 2019
(December 2, 2019) Presentation from Transportation Services on Congestion Management Plan - Update


(December 5, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE10.4.1)


Hamish Wilson
Andrew Scherkus, Roundtrip Systems Inc.
Councillor Frances Nunziata


1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Carried)



1.  The General Manager, Transportation Services be requested to include in the Congestion Management Plan:


a.  A measure of the impact of commercial deliveries and ride share on congestion in the City of Toronto, and how to better measure impacts; 


b.  A review of the use of one way streets to address congestion and gridlock; and


c.  The results and implementation of the downtown operations study

2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Carried)



1. The General Manager of Transportation be requested to include the following as the first principle of the Congestion Management Plan: to reduce congestion and to move people safely and efficiently.

3 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Mike Colle (Carried)



1.  The Infrastructure and Environment Committee request the General Manager, Transportation Services to include, as part of the March 2020 report on congestion management, data and recommendations on the impact of increases from urban freight delivery vehicles associated with growth of online shopping. 

Source: Toronto City Clerk at