Item - 2021.PH25.3

Tracking Status

PH25.3 - Housing Now - 405 Sherbourne Street - Zoning Amendment - Final Report

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 14, 15 and 16, 2021, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, for the lands at 405 Sherbourne Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment in Attachment 6 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, for the lands at 405 Sherbourne Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment in Attachment 7 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


4. Before introducing the necessary Bills contemplated in Parts 1 and 2 above to City Council for enactment, City Council require the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO to submit an updated Functional Servicing Report to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.


5. City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to engage City partners and the housing provider to advance the detailed design of development requirements identified in Attachment 10 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and to secure the delivery of the development requirements on terms, including details and timing, in a Lease Agreement with the housing provider.


6. City Council direct that any future planning applications for 405 Sherbourne Street, including an application for Site Plan control, be reviewed in the context of the 405 Sherbourne Street Design Brief (May 2021) in Attachment 11 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


7. City Council authorize the highway alterations to remove the lay-by on the east side of Sherbourne Street, from a point 118.0 metres north of Carlton Street to a point 35.0 metres further north, as shown in Drawing 421T-0141 dated April 2021 in Attachment 12 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


8. City Council rescind the designated taxi stand for two taxis in effect at all times on the east side of Sherbourne Street, between a point 130 metres north of Carlton Street and a point 141 metres north of Carlton Street.


9. City Council direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to consider co-operative housing organizations, as part of the process to select a future housing provider and community space operator, and to engage with local community stakeholders and the Ward Councillor on the selection criteria prior to selecting the housing provider and community space operator.


10. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to enter into any necessary agreements with the future City-selected housing provider and lessee of 405 Sherbourne Street to provide a transfer of funds required to pay for the full cost associated with the removal of the lay-by on the east side of Sherbourne Street and realignment and reconstruction of the Sherbourne Street cycle track, to specifications provided by Transportation Services and through the appropriate capital program identified by Transportation Services at the time of construction.


11. City Council direct the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District and future applicants and any other necessary City Officials to create a working group and to consult with the local community as part of the Site Plan Application process, including the Ward Councillor, the local residents' association and other stakeholders on the following, prior to the issuance of Final Site Plan Approval pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006:

a. a construction and traffic management plan, landscape and public realm plans, building materials and lighting and other issues as identified; and

b. a final determination of the operator and future use of the onsite community facility space.


12. City Council exempt the property located at 405 Sherbourne Street from Clause (9) of the Policy Governing Land Transactions Among City Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Departments and Proceeds from Sale of Surplus City-Owned Real Property so that the removal of this property from the Toronto Parking Authority's jurisdiction, to occur upon the declaration as surplus by the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services and the approval without conditions of a long-term lease satisfactory to the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, will be for nominal consideration.


13. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bills in City Council to amend City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking to remove 405 Sherbourne Street from the Schedule of Municipal Parking Facilities once:


a. the property has been declared surplus by the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services; and


b. a long-term lease has been approved without conditions, to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


14. City Council request CreateTO to work with the Toronto Parking Authority to identify new parking opportunities in both on- and off-street locations suitable for replacement of parking spaces within the vicinity of the proposed development, should the President, Toronto Parking Authority, the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer deem an investment in parking on-site is not feasible.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Background Information (Committee)

(June 14, 2021) Report and Attachments 1-5, 8-10 and 12 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division - Housing Now - 405 Sherbourne Street - Zoning Amendment - Final Report
Attachment 6: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Attachment 7: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law 438-86)
Attachment 11: Design Brief
(June 4, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting

Communications (Committee)

(June 23, 2021) E-mail from Tom Clement, Executive Director, Co-Operative Housing Federation of Toronto (PH.New)
(June 23, 2021) Letter from Anjala Kulasegaram, Co-Op Advisor and Land Trusts Co-ordinator, Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto (PH.New)
(June 24, 2021) Letter from Dawn Obokata, President on behalf of Saint Nicholas Housing Cooperative (PH.New)
(June 24, 2021) Letter from Wade Potts, President, on behalf of Hugh Gardner Co-op (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Allen MaciInnis, Board President, on behalf of Church-Isabella Residents Co-operative Inc. (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Don Hutton, Vice President, on behalf of Diane Frankling Co-operative Homes (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) E-mail from Dee Lewis, President, Winchester Park Residents’ Association (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) Letter from Mark Richardson, Technical Lead, (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) Letter from Srayashree Mallick, Fieldstone Co-op (PH.New)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)



1.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to consider co-operative housing organizations, as part of the process to select a future housing provider and community space operator, and to engage with local community stakeholders and the Ward Councillor on the selection criteria prior to selecting the housing provider and community space operator.

2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)



1.  City Council exempt the property located at 405 Sherbourne Street from clause (9) of the Policy Governing Land Transactions Among City Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Departments and Proceeds from Sale of Surplus City-Owned Real Property so that the removal of this property from the Toronto Parking Authority's jurisdiction, to occur upon the declaration as surplus by the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services and the approval without conditions of a long term lease satisfactory to the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, will be for nominal consideration.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bills in City Council to amend Municipal Code Chapter 950 to remove 405 Sherbourne Street from the Schedule of Municipal Parking Facilities once:


a. the property has been declared surplus by the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services; and


b. a long term lease has been approved without conditions, to the satisfaction of the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


3.  City Council request CreateTO to work with the Toronto Parking Authority to identify new parking opportunities in both on and off street locations suitable for replacement of parking spaces within the vicinity of the proposed development, should the President, Toronto Parking Authority, the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer deem an investment in parking on-site not feasible.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

PH25.3 - Housing Now - 405 Sherbourne Street - Zoning Amendment - Final Report

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Committee Recommendations

The Planning and Housing Committee recommends that:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, for the lands at 405 Sherbourne Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, for the lands at 405 Sherbourne Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning. 


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


4. Before introducing the necessary Bills contemplated in Recommendations 1 and 2, above, to City Council for enactment, City Council require the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, to submit an updated Functional Servicing Report to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.


5. City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to engage City partners and the housing provider, to advance the detailed design of development requirements identified in Attachment 10 to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and to secure the delivery of the development requirements on terms, including details and timing, in a Lease Agreement with the housing provider.


6. City Council direct that any future planning applications for 405 Sherbourne Street, including an application for Site Plan control be reviewed in the context of the 405 Sherbourne Street Design Brief (May 2021), provided as Attachment 11 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


7. City Council authorize the highway alterations to remove the lay-by on the east side of Sherbourne Street, from a point 118.0 metres north of Carlton Street to a point 35.0 metres further north, as shown in Drawing 421T-0141 dated April 2021 in Attachment 12 to the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


8. City Council rescind the designated taxi stand for two taxis in effect at all times on the east side of Sherbourne Street, between a point 130 metres north of Carlton Street and a point 141 metres north of Carlton Street.


9. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services, to enter into any necessary agreements with the future City-selected housing provider and lessee of 405 Sherbourne Street to provide a transfer of funds required to pay for the full cost associated with the removal of the lay-by on the east side of Sherbourne Street and realignment and reconstruction of the Sherbourne Street cycle track, to specifications provided by Transportation Services, and through the appropriate capital program identified by Transportation Services at the time of construction.


10. City Council direct the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District and future applicant and any other necessary City officials, to create a working group and to consult with the local community as part of the Site Plan Application process, including the Ward Councillor, the local residents association and other stakeholders, on the following prior to the issuance of Final Site Plan Approval pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act:

a.  A construction and traffic management plan, landscape and public realm plans, building materials and lighting, and other issues as identified; and

b.  A final determination of the operator and future use of the onsite community facility space.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Planning and Housing Committee held a statutory public meeting on June 28, 2021, and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.


(June 14, 2021) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


The Toronto Parking Authority parking lot known as 405 Sherbourne Street, is a City-owned property and one of six sites approved by City Council in May 2020 for inclusion in Phase Two of the Housing Now Initiative. This report recommends approval of a City-initiated Zoning By-law Amendment to permit a 26-storey mixed-use building with 267 rental dwelling units, of which between 33% - 50% of new units will be provided as affordable housing, and at least 168 square metres of community facility space for a not-for-profit institution will be provided. The proposal includes an enhanced public realm through a landscaped mid-block pedestrian connection between Sherbourne Street and Bleecker Street.


The site will remain in City ownership and will be leased to a non-profit housing provider for a term of 99 years. The housing provider will be responsible for detailed design and submission of a Site Plan Control application based on technical work that has been undertaken by CreateTO and City divisions to support the proposed development concept in addition to other obligations related to the provision of new affordable housing. The development will contribute to a mixed-income, inclusive community.


The recommended Zoning By-law Amendments are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2020), conforms with A Place to Grow: Growth Plan (2020), conforms with the City's Official Plan including the Downtown Plan, and is consistent with the Cabbagetown Northwest Heritage Conservation District Plan.


This report also recommends the removal of an existing on-street layby on Sherbourne Street, currently designated as a taxi stand for two vehicles, to allow for streetscaping improvements.

Background Information

(June 14, 2021) Report and Attachments 1-5, 8-10 and 12 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division - Housing Now - 405 Sherbourne Street - Zoning Amendment - Final Report
Attachment 6: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
Attachment 7: Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law 438-86)
Attachment 11: Design Brief
(June 4, 2021) Notice of Public Meeting


(June 23, 2021) E-mail from Tom Clement, Executive Director, Co-Operative Housing Federation of Toronto (PH.New)
(June 23, 2021) Letter from Anjala Kulasegaram, Co-Op Advisor and Land Trusts Co-ordinator, Co-operative Housing Federation of Toronto (PH.New)
(June 24, 2021) Letter from Dawn Obokata, President on behalf of Saint Nicholas Housing Cooperative (PH.New)
(June 24, 2021) Letter from Wade Potts, President, on behalf of Hugh Gardner Co-op (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Allen MaciInnis, Board President, on behalf of Church-Isabella Residents Co-operative Inc. (PH.New)
(June 25, 2021) Letter from Don Hutton, Vice President, on behalf of Diane Frankling Co-operative Homes (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) E-mail from Dee Lewis, President, Winchester Park Residents’ Association (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) Letter from Mark Richardson, Technical Lead, (PH.New)
(June 28, 2021) Letter from Srayashree Mallick, Fieldstone Co-op (PH.New)


1 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)

That Planning and Housing Committee adopt the recommendations in the report (June 14, 2021) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, amended by adding the following:


1. City Council direct the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District and future applicant and any other necessary City officials, to create a working group and to consult with the local community as part of the Site Plan Application process, including the Ward Councillor, the local residents association and other stakeholders, on the following prior to the issuance of Final Site Plan Approval pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act:

a.  A construction and traffic management plan, landscape and public realm plans, building materials and lighting, and other issues as identified; and

b.  A final determination of the operator and future use of the onsite community facility space.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at